Outlook 2010 Receiving Blank Newsletters

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Outlook 2010 Receiving Blank Newsletters

Post by hlewton »

I have been getting blank newsletters from Office Watch lately. I am not certain of the exact date but I will explain when I think it may have started in a moment.

Because there was absolutely nothing in these newsletters I had no way of contacting the people who send out the newsletters but a person at another site gave me a couple links to try to reach them, which I am very grateful for. It turns out they did respond to me but I am still at a loss as to what is causing the problem.

They person who contacted me had me try to right click the newsletter and view the source but the “View source” option was not available to me. He suspects my email client which is Outlook 2010, in this case, which I cannot dispute. However, the same Outlook 2010 and same machine have been receiving these newsletters for years with no problems. The machine I use is the one that empties my Webmail server of emails after they are downloaded so for the next couple weeks I am going to be checking the Webmail directly to see if these newsletters arrive there with the text they are supposed to have. If they do I will download them onto another machine that, so far does not have what I suspect may be the problem loaded on it yet, to see if they arrive there with the text. This machine is running Outlook 2016. If all is well there I will download the newsletter to the machine where my problem exists and see if it is still blank.

The problem machine is the one that has been updated to the creator’s version of Windows 10 recently and I suspect this may be what is causing my problem but do not really know this for certain.

If Webmail and the machine with Outlook 2016 work fine what can I do to correct my Outlook 2010 so it can once again download these newsletters correctly without stripping the contents? The only thing I am getting now is the subject line. The rest is totally blank.

Maybe I am on a totally wrong trail so any other suggestions would be appreciated as well. I just want to be able to read these Office Watch newsletters again. It may or may not be worth mentioning but I receive newsletters from Kim Komando as well and they still are working fine.


Edited: Also the fellow who contacted me from Office Watch mentioned my anti-virus program but that too is the same as I have been using for a lot of years now.

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Re: Outlook 2010 Receiving Blank Newsletters

Post by DaveA »

There is a lot of chat on the net about Office 2010 being compatible with Windows 10.
In most cases it appears to be compatible, but there are still a lot of cases where it is not.

NOTE: Please be aware that Office Starter 2010 is not supported
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Re: Outlook 2010 Receiving Blank Newsletters

Post by hlewton »

DaveA wrote:There is a lot of chat on the net about Office 2010 being compatible with Windows 10.
In most cases it appears to be compatible, but there are still a lot of cases where it is not.

NOTE: Please be aware that Office Starter 2010 is not supported
Not sure what Office Starter is but I am using Office 2010 Pro. I have had Windows 10 for almost a year now with no problems. I am not sure that the update to Windows 10 Creator's version is the culprit but I suspect it may be. I have a machine with Win 10 and Office 2010 Pro that is still just Win 10 and not updated yet. When I get another newsletter I will download it to that machine also and try to confirm what may be the problem. If it is then I wonder if there is any solution because I do not want to update those machines to Office 2016 because I don't like the changes to Outlook 2016 and the way you have to use the calendar in it. That is another subject which I posted about a while back but right now my concern is to try to get this corrected.

Thanks for your input.

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Re: Outlook 2010 Receiving Blank Newsletters

Post by hlewton »

Guess I forgot to post about getting this problem solved.

After multiple tests it was determined that these newsletters were arriving intact to my ISP's email server. Only after downloading them to my computer using Outlook 2010 were they being stripped of their content. Not sure what changed, maybe the way the newsletters were being created or the way my anti-virus program was seeing them but after contacting the tech support of Vipre Anti-Virus he added a filter in the Vipre settings with the email address of site sending the newsletters and now all is well again.

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Re: Outlook 2010 Receiving Blank Newsletters

Post by HansV »

Thanks for the heads-up.
Best wishes,