Setting maps in Google Maps to Dark Mode

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Setting maps in Google Maps to Dark Mode

Post by jmt356 »

I use dark mode in Chrome. Whenever I search for an address, the first hit is an image of a map. The image of the map is in dark mode.
When I click on the link, the map opens up in Google Maps. I lose dark mode when I open the file in Google Maps.

How do I get dark mode to work in Google Maps? Google Maps clearly supports dark mode because the maps show up in dark mode in chrome, which I have to dark mode. So there must be a way to get the maps to show up in dark mode when in Google Maps.

I have attached images below. I am trying to get maps to show up in dark mode (the first image) while I am in Google Maps?
Screenshot in Chrome.png
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Re: Setting maps in Google Maps to Dark Mode

Post by HansV »

As far as I know, dark mode is available in Google Maps on Android and iOS. On Windows, it requires an extension on Windows: see Dark Google Maps. Disclaimer: I have not used this extension myself.
Best wishes,