None the less, John, your voice comes in loud and clear on this side of the pond. Once the intrusive ads have died down.
I acknowledge arms-races having once attended a cocktail party. And, before ads ruined my life, watching clips of antelope escape cheetahs on the south African plains.
I expect no less from both sides of the battle for advertising.
What I don't know is whose side I would be on if they offered me large sums of money to develop ingenious program code to outwit my drinking buddies from the office block across the street.

We peasants do have as allies the fifth columnists who sabotage one or both sides and hand out news of browsers that can still accommodate 3rd-party applications that block advertising.
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Meanwhile, back at the ranch... Yesterday I stated my action "In the meantime I did a System Restore ... " expecting to be greeted with the Firefox Browser and uBlock-Origin as they were on 1st August. That worked rather too well, as it resurrected my AutoExec.bat from that time, too; the AutoExec BEFORE I re-sequenced the commands to avoid overloading the paging algorithm, so I am a little late getting online this morning having spent almost three mugs of tea watching the disk thrash itself closer to death

One of the first commands in the AutoExec,bat is
Code: Select all
:: (3) Backup this batch file: in the event it is changing as I improve it
COPY %0 T:\BatLap
Cheers, Chris