Temporary Internet Files

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Temporary Internet Files

Post by Bigaldoc »

This is a question about IE for multiple users on a domain.

If I change Internet Options, Advanced, Security tab by adding a tick mark to the option to empty temporary internet files when the browser closes, will that do so for all users on the domain? I have administrator "privileges."

I only occasionally work on a domain these days (at the nursing home) and don't know if Internet Options is global or per user. The machines all run XP and I haven't checked all but I think IE 8 is installed.

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Re: Temporary Internet Files

Post by HansV »

The ClearBrowsingHistoryOnExit registry entry is stored in HKEY_CURRENT_USER, so it's a user-level setting. Even if you tick the check box while using an account with administrator privileges, you only set it for that account.
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Re: Temporary Internet Files

Post by Leif »


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Re: Temporary Internet Files

Post by Bigaldoc »

Thanks Hans and Leif. I'll pursue the GPEdit with the Sysops next time I'm over there.