Calculate letters weight

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Re: Calculate letters weight

Post by SpeakEasy »

That's a different issue, ands is down to the fact that the function prototypes effectively differ between Application.aFunction and WorksheetFunction.aFunction. In summary, the WorksheetFunction functions are generally more strongly typed., but this isn't properly shown by Intellisense (which doesn't even work for Application.aFunctions), nor is it documented in the Excel VBA documentation (but then, neither is the ability to process arrays the way this particular example is leveraging).

Specifically, as far as I am aware, for WorksheetFunction.aFunction any parameter described as a _value (e.g. Lookup_Value) needs to be a single value of a type that can be held in an Excel cell. It cannot be an array.

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Appliction.x v Application.WorksheetFunction.x

Post by DocAElstein »

SpeakEasy wrote:
27 Jul 2022, 14:51
.... the WorksheetFunction functions are generally more strongly typed., but this isn't properly shown by Intellisense (which doesn't even work for Application.aFunctions), nor is it documented in the Excel VBA documentation (but then, neither is the ability to process arrays the way this particular example is leveraging) far as I am aware, for WorksheetFunction.aFunction any parameter described as a _value (e.g. Lookup_Value) needs to be a single value of a type that can be held in an Excel cell. It cannot be an array.
Thanks, this is all helping me to fill the puzzle....

I had another Google around on this, and as usual got flooded with information telling me words to the effect of … …its all to do with how errors are handled… but I did also find a few other bits of info I probably missed previously.
Based on that, and what I have picked up here, I think the following might be coming closer to the full story.

Appliction.x v Application.WorksheetFunction.x

Once upon a time, not quite sure when , but before 1997, Excel got made. At that time the priority was on the table like organisation of lists and calculations on them, the so called “spreadsheet”.
( I personally took no interests, I was a real physicist and only used a computer if I had to, when trying to do clever stuff with Mathcad, on my colleagues computer that cost more than my House did back then. )

Things like Match and Index were quite important stuff for Excel spreadsheets, and some low level or background coding had these things in some form or other maybe not working too different from what we now know as VBA

Two important things to mention here:
_1 It was useful at the time for the people developing Excel if the coding behind things like Match and Index gave some info about why, if something did not work properly as intended. Hence they somehow return an Error thing, giving information, rather than actually errorong.
_ 2 Whether by design or accident, these things worked in the way I like to use them, (with arrays as arguments where more usually single values are used). This may have helped with the development of array type calculations in the spreadsheet. Once again, I don’t know if they were planned from the outset, or whether it was noticed that it could be done, possibly requiring a bit of later extra stuff to be added, what we know as the CSE stuff.

In the early days, the emphasis was on Excel Spreadsheet, but as time went on the coding we now know as VBA got made available to us and got more popular. For us to use the Excel things like Match and Index from within VBA, we called them as properties from the Application object, hence

Around 1997, it was decided to tidy things up a bit in VBA. The WorksheetFunction object was introduced. What it has available was added to intellisense, (Application.x, where x is a worksheet function is not in intellisense.)

Taking as an example, the Application.WorksheetFunction.Match , it was given some coding behind it looking like this pseudo coding

Application.WorksheetFunction.Match =
_ check the arguments. Raise an appropriate error if wrong type are given. ( Hence the array stuff I like don’t work anymore)
_ Use Application.Match to do it
_ Have a look at what comes back and if it is the error thing, then raise an appropriate error

I expect at the time, and still now, the policy from Microsoft is that a “normal” or average user should be spared more advanced stuff, and so the WorksheetFunction version fits that policy better.
Application.x was kept for backward compatibility, it was likely intended to be made obsolete at some time. ( That may contribute to why its not documented. ) Some people, including some prominent clever people , rather liked and preferred the Application.x way it deals with errors. That may and might influence it staying around a bit longer.
The second advantage of the array stuff I like working with, was maybe just coincidentally not noticed so much. Personally I think it’s at least as important. But just a personal opinion, that’s all. Please don’t hate me for it.

I think the usual explanation when asked about Appliction.x v Application.WorksheetFunction.x , of …its all to do with how errors are handled… cropped in because someone clever regarded as a God by other smart people said it once and the other smart people took it as Holy
(Thankfully I am not smart, I don’t worship the same Gods, so I occasionally get the better or fuller answer, (mostly with a lot of help from the smart people), which is all I am interested in).

I think my explanation is at least closer than any other I have seen so far…


Ref ... st-2861101 ... st-2734072 ... st-9344487
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Re: Appliction.x v Application.WorksheetFunction.x

Post by Leif »

DocAElstein wrote:
30 Jul 2022, 09:01
Appliction.x v Application.WorksheetFunction.x


I think the usual explanation when asked about Appliction.x v Application.WorksheetFunction.x , of …
To be honest, I haven't the time to read through your post fully, but do you really mean "Appliction.x"?

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Re: Appliction.x v Application.WorksheetFunction.x

Post by DocAElstein »

ah, typo I missed , thanks
should be
Application.x v Application.WorksheetFunction.x
(the problem with spelling checker - it don't work if you add something like .x)
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Re: Calculate letters weight

Post by SpeakEasy »

>So maybe that is telling me that Alan is represents internally by such an array
Yep, pretty much. Internally VB represent strings as Unicode 16 - which for all the ANSI characters is two bytes: the 8-bit ANSI code and a 0. But that Unicode string is just a memory buffer so we can hack it. Which is what StrConv does! e.g

Dim arrAlan() As Byte: Let arrAlan() = StrConv("Alan", vbFromUnicode)

converts the underlying buffer from Unicode 16 to ANSI (which it does by simply stripping out the 0 bytes. VB of course then no longer knows what to do with that string, as it is expecting Unicode 16

So if you do

Dim arry() As Byte
Let arry() = StrConv("Alan", vbFromUnicode) ' coerce string to array of (ANSI) bytes
MsgBox MsgBox arry

you'll get VB's "No idea how to display these characters as I don't even know what they are" (sometimes you might get a character, if the unicode byte pattern coincidentally matches a character in the current code page)

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Re: Calculate letters weight

Post by DocAElstein »

This is all making, ( a bit), more sense,.

But I wonder if this
Dim arrAlan() As Byte: Let arrAlan() = StrConv("Alan", vbFromUnicode)
Is not really coercing. … or maybe it is but just a bit ****…

So StrConv("Alan", vbFromUnicode) has changed what is internally representing Alan to what internally represents a field of things of Byte type. Or what we would call a array of Byte elements. That is assigned as syntaxly correctly to a Byte type array, so all is well, …and also I was getting somethings mixed up here:
DocAElstein wrote:
27 Jul 2022, 11:12
_.... This only works if the array elements type is Byte
Declare the type as Long or Double, for example, and it won’t work.....
- Of course it only works if we declare the array as Byte type, because as I just said, StrConv("Alan", vbFromUnicode) is chucking out a field of elements of Byte type. Just like Split(“alan”,”a”) returns me an array of string types so I must do this
Dim Splitalan() As String: Let Splitalan() = Split("alan", "a")

However, its apparently not quite that simple. In the case of the split, I could also do this, and I will get the same array
Dim VSplitalan As Variant: Let VSplitalan = Split("alan", "a")

But if I try that with this
Dim VarrAlan As Variant: Let VarrAlan = StrConv("Alan", vbFromUnicode)
then I get returned ?? , which is also incidentally what I get from
MsgBox prompt:=arrAlan()

**** So maybe there is some coercing going on with Dim arrAlan() As Byte: Let arrAlan() = StrConv("Alan", vbFromUnicode) -
SpeakEasy wrote:
30 Jul 2022, 14:56
....VB of course then no longer knows what to do with that string,
– well it does in the situation of you trying to assign it to a byte array, - it has maybe been written to try and put those Bytes in a byte array

Code: Select all

 Sub Stuff()
Dim Splitalan() As String: Let Splitalan() = Split("alan", "a") ' Watch : + : Splitalan() :  : String(0 to 2) : Module1.Stuff       {"", "l", "n"}
Dim VSplitalan As Variant: Let VSplitalan = Split("alan", "a") ' Watch : + : VSplitalan :  : Variant/String(0 to 2) : Module1.Stuff {"", "l", "n"}

Dim arrAlan() As Byte: Let arrAlan() = StrConv("Alan", vbFromUnicode) ' Watch : - : arrAlan() :  : Byte(0 to 3) : Module1.Stuff     {65, 108, 97, 110}
Dim VarrAlan As Variant: Let VarrAlan = StrConv("Alan", vbFromUnicode) ' ??
 MsgBox prompt:=arrAlan() '   ??
End Sub


I am still not sure what to make of this….
DocAElstein wrote:
27 Jul 2022, 11:12
This limitation to a Byte array might be inconvenient to someone wanting to play around with the AscW stuff?

Or I could be missing something more fundamental
I am not sure what is going on here, either…

Code: Select all

 Sub ChrWAscW()
Dim Harry() As Byte
 Let Harry() = "Alan" & ChrW(8230) ' …     ChrW(8230) is a single character that looks like 3 small dots close together               ( You can do some naughty tricks with it in some forums and mess things up a bit... )
End Sub
The array Harry() looks like this
65 0 108 0 97 0 110 0 38 32
I am not sure what that means, although I did not expect it to look like this
65 0 108 0 97 0 110 0 8230 0
because 8230 is too big for a Byte element. I am not sure what the significance or insignificance is of all that.
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Re: Calculate letters weight

Post by HansV »

Unicode characters take up 2 bytes: the so-called low-end byte and high-end byte. The total value is 256 * high-end + low-end.

Windows is low-endian: it writes the low-end byte first, then the high-end one.

The letter A has code 65. This can be written as 256 * 0 + 65, so the high-end byte is 0 and the low-end one is 65. Windows writes this as

65 0

The Unicode character with code 8230 can be written as 256 * 32 + 38
The high-end bye is 8230 \ 256 = 32
The low-end byte is 8230 Mod 256 = 38
So Windows writes it as

38 32
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Re: Calculate letters weight

Post by DocAElstein »

Ah, great, thanks Hans. That’s low level stuff out of my depths but it is good to know, as I was otherwise thinking that the numbers 32 and 38 were just something erroneous chucked out when it got confused.

( That information could be useful in the future, and is relevant to this Thread and the original requirement since we are talking about manipulating the characters in a string, and it would not be unheard of for the OP to want to extend the solution to a much larger character set outside the simple Standard 0-255 ones. ( For my solution it probably will mean that the first code line I had, ( the extra one I had to use because it would not coerce inside the main long one liner code line ) , would itself mutate into a mega beautiful one liner code line. Maybe when I am in the mood and have the time I might add that…. )


Just something quick, while I am here, which I missed out, when we were on the other tangent we went into .. - VBA strings looking like numbers, or not
One example I know about where a bit of care is needed when , if like me, you like to store your numbers sometimes in string variables is. ….._
_.... You need to be careful if wanting to reference a worksheet by its item number rather than its name, because the code line can be the same for either referring to item number or string tab name, and VBA only knows whether you want to refer to its item number or its tab name by virtue of the type of thing or variable type you give it.

Code: Select all

Sub WatchOutYaWorksheetNames() '
 Let ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1).Name = "Sheet1"  '  Just for demo purposes - any typical string name will do for this demo

On Error GoTo TellMeAboutIt   '  Tell me about any error, rather than erroring
' Here we go, referring to worksheets in different ways .......
 ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1).Activate       '  All is well - refering to first tab counting from the left
 ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(1).Activate            '  Same again -  (Item is often the default property)
Dim Wun As Long: Let Wun = "1"                  '  VBA is happy to coerce the string  "1"  into a number, so Wun is  1  which is a number
 ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(Wun).Activate     '  All is well - still refering to first tab counting from the left

Dim strWun As String: Let strWun = Wun          '  VBA is happy to coerce the number 1 which is in Long variable Wun, into a string of value  "1"  So strWun is a string of  "1"
 ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(strWun).Activate  '  oops!, unless you have your first tab name of  "1"  , this will error
 Let ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(1).Name = 1   '  VBA is happy to coerce the number  1  into a the string tab name of  "1"   So now you will see your first tab name in your workbook shown as  1  rather than  Sheet1      ( But it is still a text - a string of  "1"  , because the thing shown on the tab is always the string name, not the item nunber )
 ThisWorkbook.Worksheets.Item(strWun).Activate  ' this will not error anymore because the previous line has made the first tab string name  "1"
Exit Sub ' Main coding end
' ________________________________________________________________________________

' Error handling code section
 MsgBox prompt:="Error number: " & Err.Number & vbCr & vbLf & Err.Description
 Resume Next
End Sub ' ( You should never come here )
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Re: Calculate letters weight

Post by StuartR »

DocAElstein wrote:
30 Jul 2022, 22:49
I wonder if this
Dim arrAlan() As Byte: Let arrAlan() = StrConv("Alan", vbFromUnicode)
Is not really coercing. … or maybe it is but just a bit ****…
This is NOT coercion, it is converting. The difference is that the programmer has explicitly identified the data types and the conversion that is needed.

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Re: Calculate letters weight

Post by DocAElstein »

Good to have that extra input. I have been going backward and forward in my head with whether I think it’s coercing or not. (Might depend a bit I suppose on what coercing is, perhaps it’s not clearly defined).
I expect my brain will oscillate a bit more on this one.
There are some good enlightenments coming out here, at least for me.
All useful interesting stuff

( I once thought coercing is just doing something that puts us on a different dependency route in the sequential chain of events. Like diverting a train to a route where things are done a bit differently. I have no idea what that means. I just made it up.
Sometimes crazy thoughts steer me in the right direction. Mostly they don’t. )

( I think I mentioned in the scuttlebutt a few times, I recently discovered an old forgotten railway siding still connected with a working junction to a main line. I am seriously trying to organise diverting a slow moving Goods train along it one evening. A crazy idea, but it might reveal some interesting thoughts****. Didn’t Einstein think of something important when sleeping on a train? )

**** Edit: although could be on the wrong track there :rofl:
Last edited by DocAElstein on 31 Jul 2022, 14:23, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Calculate letters weight

Post by SpeakEasy »

>Unicode characters take up 2 bytes

Not so. The Unicode 16 used by Windows (and in which VBA strings are stored behind the scenes) uses 2 bytes only for code points U+0000 to U+D7FF and U+E000 to U+FFFF, and stores them as direct correlating values - i.e codepoint 0041 - "A" - is stored as 0041 or, more accurately in VB which is Unicode 16 LE (little endian) as 4100

Codepoints U+010000 to U+10FFFF however have a mathematical transform applied to them and are represented by two 16bit words with no direct numerical correlation between codepoint and the stored values, e.g U+10000 is not stored as 00010000 (or in LE-speak as 00000100) but as D800DC00

However VB, albeit having Unicode 16 behind the scenes, only understands ANSI characters, so (incorrectly) interprets D800DC00 as ØÜ rather than the correct LINEAR B SYLLABLE B008 A character, treating anything it finds in the underlying buffer as two-byte characters.

Given that we can 'hack' the underlying buffer directly with ChrW, ChrB , havoc can ensue. But in general use and for most VBA programmers, we don't have to worry about it;' VBA does the heavy lifting for us. But you deserve everything you get if you try an lift VBA's skirts to see what is underneath

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Re: Calculate letters weight

Post by HansV »

OK, thanks. Learned something new! :thumbup:
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Re: Calculate letters weight

Post by SpeakEasy »

>This is NOT coercion, it is converting. The difference is that the programmer has explicitly identified the data types and the conversion that is needed.

My computer science course taught different. It taught that if the programmer hasn't explicitly told the program (or compiler) to do the conversion then it is coercion. Identifying the data type elsewhere doesn't, for me, meet that requirement. Mind you my degree was over 35 years ago, so maybe I'm out of date!
So, for me:

Dim i as integer
dim l as long

i = clng(i) ' explicit type conversion, I've told VBA what to do so: not coercion
l = i ' implicit type conversion, I've not told VBA what to do, so: coercion

But in reality the point is moot. Coercion is really just a jargon term for one specific ... uh ... type of type conversion

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Re: Calculate letters weight

Post by StuartR »

My studies are about as old as yours SpeakEasy, so I'm certainly not going to argue the point

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Re: Calculate letters weight

Post by rory »

DocAElstein wrote:
27 Jul 2022, 11:11

_ also, some documentation mislead me a bit: I have not used VarType very much for anything other than the most common simple variable, and then when I used that once on an array, it gave me the number 8209 which means you have an array. VarType does not tell you what variable types are in the array;
8209 means you have an array of type Byte. 8192 for the vbArray plus 17 for the Byte.

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Re: Calculate letters weight

Post by SpeakEasy »

> VarType does not tell you what variable types are in the array

It sure does. As rory says.

All documented here: ... e-function

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VarType array is 8192+value of elements type

Post by DocAElstein »

Thanks Rory, thanks SpeakEasy.
Indeed it is documented at the link from SpeakEasy
( )
vbArray 8192 Array (always added to another constant when returned by this function)
_...... The VarType function never returns the value for vbArray by itself. It's always added to some other value to indicate an array of a particular type. For example, the value returned for an array of integers is calculated as vbInteger + vbArray, or 8194.

I always hit this link
( )
, which is totally lacking all that information and simply says
vbArray 8192 Array

Perhaps a more thorough search, or more careful with a better search string, may have found that info, but I doubt it: The internet is getting so swamped you need to know the answer to have half a chance of finding it. :(
Thanks again for setting me straight.
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