I can’t give a full solution here, but what I give might give some ideas on how to get a solution. ( It might not as well, lol. ! :) )
I can’t give a full solution here for two reasons
_1 I suspect the question required is for Visual basic “
box things” and my solution here is for VBA
_2 I don’t fully understand the original coding and original problem
But, what I offer does
_ (i) solve this sort of thing…..
sal21 wrote: ↑07 Jul 2022, 10:54
..in effect I need to show a list, of combobox based a key press, example:
Via I
show this list from the combobox
Via Italia
Via Italiana
Via Italiano
... etc
_ (ii) I am using “
box things” and “
List things” in VBA UserForms, which, if I am not mistaken?, are often similarly to the “
box things” in Visual basic? So I am guessing my solution could be adaptable to Visual Basic “
box things” ???
My solution here is a simplified version of something I use almost every day to get a form of AutoComplete / Intellisense to work on large column lists of data. It involves using a VBA Userforms ListBox and TextBox. That is why I thought it was worth posting as it might give an idea how to do it with a Visual Basic Combobox thing: I am taking a guess they may work similarly and have similar coding possibilities???
The key to this solution working is a particular Event coding thing , ( which to me very annoyingly is not available to a cell in VBA). This following particular Event coding thing does appear to be available to a text box, - the
Private Sub TextBox1_Change() thing. This particular Event coding thing allows you to go off and do something every time a single character is added to the text box, be it the first character, or any further characters as you type further. For something like a pseudo AutoComplete or pseudo Intellisense, this is very useful:
You can probably guess what I go off and do every time a further character is added:
I go off and search my long column list for words containing the text so far typed.
So the end effect is, for example, in the enclosed demo file, I type in the Text Box
Via I
, and in a ListBox I get the offerings of
Via Italia
Via Italiana
Via Italiano
Via Inverness to Thurso and Wick
via i.JPG
via i.JPG
That’s the main thing that the code example does. This is the main important coding:
Code: Select all
Private Sub TextBox1_Change()
'Find (Next) https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49094391/excel-vba-range-findnext-v-range-find-what-have-i-missed/49181464#49181464
Dim rngFnd As Range, Lr As Long
Let Lr = Range("A" & Rows.Count & "").End(xlUp).Row + 1 ' +1 is required to make the search work, that is to say terminate if our last found cell was the last one
Set rngFnd = Range("A1:A" & Lr & "").Find(What:=Me.TextBox1.Text & "*", after:=Range("A" & Lr & ""), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
If rngFnd Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Do While Not rngFnd Is Nothing
' Debug.Print rngFnd.Value ' or Do anything you wanna do http://www.youtuberepeater.com/watch?v=8GoN-y9irn4&name=Eddie+and+the+Hot+Rods+Do+anything+you+wanna
Me.ListBox1.AddItem rngFnd.Row 'Row number
Me.ListBox1.List(Me.ListBox1.ListCount - 1, 1) = rngFnd.Value 'Name
Set rngFnd = Range("A" & rngFnd.Row + 1 & ":A" & Lr & "").Find(What:=Me.TextBox1.Text & "*", after:=Range("A" & Lr & ""), LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False) ' https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/VBA/Excel-VBA/articles/range-find-method-excel
End Sub
( There is some other coding in the file, but that is more to do with just making the file a working demo of the idea, For example:- If you select something from the list suggrested in the List Box, and then terminate/ close the userform, then some stuff is done in a
Private Sub UserForm_Terminate() with the selected text, but you can fiddle around with that to do what you want )
PseudoIntellisenseAutoCompleteSearch.xls https://app.box.com/s/oems24yinmnophvvpovgd1mwz5q49fbq
https://www.excelforum.com/excel-progra ... ost4382748
https://www.excelforum.com/excel-progra ... ost4660761
Info given to me from Alpha Frog
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