Display Records Between Date Range and Most Recent Previous Record

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Display Records Between Date Range and Most Recent Previous Record

Post by EnginerdUNH »


I have a report which gets its data from the following query:

Code: Select all

SELECT qryFirstSets.ARExercise, qryFirstSets.Exercise, qryFirstSets.PosEquip, qryFirstSets.ARSets, qryFirstSets.ARLoad, qryFirstSets.MinOfARDate AS ARDate
FROM qryFirstSets
WHERE (((qryFirstSets.ARLoad)>Nz((SELECT Max(Q.ARLoad) FROM qryFirstSets AS Q WHERE Q.ARExercise=qryFirstSets.ARExercise AND Q.PosEquip=qryFirstSets.PosEquip AND Q.ARSets=qryFirstSets.ARSets AND Q.MinOfARDate<qryFirstSets.MinOfARDate),0)));
this query works great when I want to look at all records associated with it or only records on or between two different dates (set from a field on the main dashboard form of my database). But what I want to do is also include the most recent records on or before the first date in the report as well. i attempted to set myself up for this with the following query:

Code: Select all

SELECT tblAllRecords.ARExercise, tblExercise.Exercise, [tblPositions].[Position] & ", " & [tblEquipment].[Equipment] AS PosEquip, tblAllRecords.ARSets, Max(tblAllRecords.ARLoad) AS MaxOfARLoad, Min(tblAllRecords.ARDate) AS MinOfARDate
FROM ((tblAllRecords INNER JOIN tblExercise ON tblAllRecords.ARExercise = tblExercise.ExerciseID) INNER JOIN tblPositions ON tblAllRecords.ARPosition = tblPositions.PositionID) INNER JOIN tblEquipment ON tblAllRecords.AREquipment = tblEquipment.EquipmentID
GROUP BY tblAllRecords.ARExercise, tblExercise.Exercise, [tblPositions].[Position] & ", " & [tblEquipment].[Equipment], tblAllRecords.ARSets
HAVING (((tblAllRecords.ARSets)<=5) AND ((Min(tblAllRecords.ARDate))<=[Forms]![frmMainDashboard]![txtStartDate]));
My questions now are:
1) Do I need to create another query, essentially identical to the first one I posted but with the criteria that it only displays records between the dates from frmMainDashboard?
2) Do I use another select query with inner/left/right joins to combine these two queries or do I use a union query?
3) Do I need to create a new report that uses this new query as the record source or is there a way in VBA to say "if a date range is specified, your record source is this otherwise it's that..."?

Note: I attempted to attach a copy of the database to this post but even with compressing it into a zip file, it still kept giving me an error that the file size is too large. If you need me to post a copy, I could try to reduce the size by saving a copy of it and removing any tables and queries that I don't need for this question. I also have an older copy of the database attached to this post here: https://www.eileenslounge.com/viewtopic ... 55#p294055

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Re: Display Records Between Date Range and Most Recent Previous Record

Post by HansV »

I'm not sure I understand your question, but perhaps you can open the report using

Code: Select all

    DoCmd.OpenReport ReportName:="rptAllRecords", View:=acViewPreview, WhereCondition:="ARDate<=" & Format(Forms!frmMainDashboard!txtStartDate, "\#yyyy-mm-dd\#")p/code]
Best wishes,

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Re: Display Records Between Date Range and Most Recent Previous Record

Post by EnginerdUNH »

Hi Hans!

Let me try to break it down a little bit and see if this makes some more sense:

I have a query, qryFirstRecord which displays the first instance of a PR from tblAllRecords.

Currently, I can use txtStartDate and txtEndDate on the main dashboard to filter rptAllRecords to show all records from qryFirstRecord where the date falls between txtStartDate and txtEndDate.

What I want to do is modify the database such that when I specify a start and end date, the report will also pull the most recent PR record occurring on or before txtStartDate.

Please let me know if that still doesn’t make sense

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Re: Display Records Between Date Range and Most Recent Previous Record

Post by HansV »

1) Yes
2) Use a union query
3) Create a copy of the report and set its record source to the union query.
Best wishes,