About DCount

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About DCount

Post by sistemaPR »


I am writing a report that uses dcount, but now I want to SUM all the dcount totals in the report footer, can that be done . I did wrote this in the
Control Source: = Sum([Text19]) and that does not work. when i run the report it ask me for some value, do you have any sugestions

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Re: About DCount

Post by HansV »

You could use a DCount expression in the report footer.
Or if that doesn't work:

1) Create a text box in the same section as Text19.
Set its Control Source to the same DCount expression as Text19.
Set its Running Sum property to Over All.
Set its Visible property to No.
Name this text box txtRunSum.

2) Create a text box in the report footer with control source
Best wishes,