Formula for Flash Fill Inconsistent Non-Empty Cells

Eng mona
Posts: 41
Joined: 13 Feb 2024, 09:41

Formula for Flash Fill Inconsistent Non-Empty Cells

Post by Eng mona »

I have a very long extended sheet ( the attached is a small copy of it)

I have some NA blank cells in column F. I need to fill these columns with the text join of the details in the cells after it. (till the following empty cells)

The number of non-empty cells after every NA cell in column F is inconsistent.

Can anyone please help adjust a formula to flash-fill the NZ cells for inconsistent non-empty cells?

If I learn how to do this function, I will use it in column D, but this time to have the sum of the non-empty cells. And so on.

Many thanks in advance for any help.
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Re: Formula for Flash Fill Inconsistent Non-Empty Cells

Post by rory »

You could use:
assuming you have the relevant functions available in your version.

Eng mona
Posts: 41
Joined: 13 Feb 2024, 09:41

Re: Formula for Flash Fill Inconsistent Non-Empty Cells

Post by Eng mona »

Thank you, Roy.

Tested it, and it worked.