Automatic update looping

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Automatic update looping

Post by E_OGRADY »

I have what I consider an unusual problem, yesterday there were 22 automatic updates to my system for XP-Pro SP3
After a successful install the was the gold shield in the task bar area, I selected the shield and was presented that another update was available, that was installed and the system rebooted. Now that update is looping, no sooner does it install successfully and within about a minute the shield reappears back in the task bar area.
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Re: Automatic update looping

Post by HansV »

There are more reports of this problem, and apparently there is no clear solution. I'd hide the update for the moment, if possible:
- Go to" onclick=";return false;.
- Click Custom.
- Have a cup of coffee while Microsoft Update searches for updates.
- If KB2446704 is listed, expand it by clicking the +.
- Tick the check box "Don't show this update again".
Best wishes,

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Re: Automatic update looping

Post by E_OGRADY »

Thanks Hans, I have since found the link at
When I found this the forum stated to ignore the title, I cannot see what harm it will cause.
Do you agree?
I will be out for the remainder of the day as my house is "For Sale" so I will try it tomorrow if you think it would be prudent.

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Re: Automatic update looping

Post by HansV »

You can certainly try the steps in" onclick=";return false;.
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Re: Automatic update looping

Post by Argus »

I have once seen a small glitch with Automatic Updates (AU) on XP; it offered the same update that had just been installed, after a restart; although this didn't involve .NET updates, since I don't use that.

My solution then, and I think it might work as a general troubleshooting when one see this, was to disable AU; stop the service; start the service and finally enable AU (using whatever setting one would like). And it's completely safe.

I can't say if I would have seen the same update after several restarts, but it was there directly after the restart that followed the installation; it probably would have stayed around for some time. My solution then triggered AU to recheck the updates.
  1. Open System properties in the Control Panel; or use Winkey-Pause.
  2. Disable AU on the AU tab.
  3. Run services.msc (Winkey-R).
  4. Close to the top of the list, find and select the Automatic Updates service, and click Stop, to stop the service.
  5. Start the Automatic Updates service, and then close the services snap-in window.
  6. Finally enable AU at the System dialogue at step 1.
This is just a general troubleshooting measure, I'm not even sure if it will help in this case; .NET and its updates are known sometimes being a bit tricky, as mentioned by Hans. So perhaps a manual reinstall will help. But since it is a lot easier, you could perhaps try the above mentioned before uninstall/reinstall.
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Re: Automatic update looping

Post by E_OGRADY »

Progress report
Thank you Argus for your most detailed suggestion, unfortunately it did not correct the problem, I really did appreciate your detailed step-by-step suggestion.
I tried the method detailed in kb923100, at this stage it has corrected the issue, however a * * * WARNING * * * it takes a long time, some of the commands take 900 seconds to complete as I found out in the log, finally I received the following window. the log file has been saved if it is of use to any of the loungers.
clean up utility report.gif
At this stage I rebooted and then ran Ccleaner, to clear the Temp Internet Files and other tmps and the Registry
I installed each of the suggested .Net Framework files and rebooted after each install
Finally after the install of dotnetfx35setup.exe there was a prompt to run Automatic Update, I ran this and one update was successfully installed and at this time it has corrected the problem.
I may be optimistic but the distorted MIDI file on entering my profile seems to be corrected also.
Will report tomorrow.
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Re: Automatic update looping

Post by E_OGRADY »

It would appear that my post above was premature. After making that post I went to shut the system down and the update was there to install, This time I chose not to install.
automatic update.gif
However on rebooting the next day updates appeared again and installed. I received a system restart window that I cannot recall seeing previously
Automatic Update Restart.gif
The system continued to update at periods throughout the day.
Again as I went to shut down the update that was looping was there waiting to be installed, this time I did the install and rebooted and went straight to Microsoft's Update site, I was pleased to see the update kb 963707 as being successfully installed
Since then about a day and a half no further drama, I can only assume the the new install of .NET framework had not been fully completed.
I ran Belarc about an hour ago and it appears as the update is OK
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Re: Automatic update looping

Post by Argus »

Good to hear. Hope it will stay OK. Those .NET thingies can be tricky it seems. I think it's good to do a restart or a cold-boot after major updates even if not needed, to finish the update session; i.e. to see if everything is working as expected. I do it also before updates are installed; nowadays some seems to think it's OK to have the PC running (or in sleep) for weeks, guess it is; but then suddenly updates are applied and a restart needed. If something then doesn't work during the boot process one has to figure out if it was the latest update or something else done during the last weeks that crippled the PC’s boot process; and of course in those cases most people will blame the update. On the other hand many (most) people do reboot their machines quite often.
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Re: Automatic update looping

Post by JoeP »

Uninstalling and reinstalling all of the .NET framework releases is a time consuming process. By some diligent up front searching and downloading you can find the packages you need to install. If you install the basic release of the various .NET versions and then leave it up to Automatic Update (or you run Windows Update) to find the updates you need you will end up downloading, installing, and re-booting several times. .NET is one of the most frustrating pieces of software that Microsoft have developed when something goes wrong.
