When to turn auto-updates OFF

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When to turn auto-updates OFF

Post by ChrisGreaves »

You'd think I'd know better, wouldn't you?

Started a massive RoboCopy E:\ Y:\Linda job last night and went to bed.
Woke this morning to find MSoft had rebooted my system while I was in a state of bliss, which I am now not.

I strolled back into the Automatic Updates camp about a year ago, but still fail to remember to turn them OFF whenever I am running an overnight job, be it RoboCopy, ChkDsk,SanDisk, Defrag, or what have you.

Maybe posting this will trigger cognition in my brain the next time ...

(signed) "Fed up with myself" of Toronto.
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Re: When to turn auto-updates OFF

Post by PJ_in_FL »

Perhaps you might run this (or add it to a CMD file that starts your RoboCopy session) to disable the reboot:

Code: Select all

reg add "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update" /v "NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers" /t REG_DWORD /d 00000001 /f
then run this after the RoboCopy is completed to re-enable the automatic reboot (although I can't understand why anyone would want to)...

Code: Select all

reg delete "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\WindowsUpdate\Auto Update" /v "NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers" /f
Note these keys are valid for XP Home, SP 3. The keys may vary between Windows versions, so verify the correct key using regedit before adding the command.
PJ in (usually sunny) FL

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Re: When to turn auto-updates OFF

Post by ChrisGreaves »

PJ_in_FL wrote:Perhaps you might run this (or add it to a CMD file that starts your RoboCopy session) to disable the reboot:
Thanks PJ, and welcome to slightly-frozen Toronto.
Disabling the auto-reboot permanently makes sense to me because I reboot as a matter of principle at the start of each day, so a reboot required for installation of updates is going to take place, but only when I initiate it.
That gives me the option of either (a) gracefully terminating a long overnight run or (b) postponing the reboot until the long run is complete.
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Re: When to turn auto-updates OFF

Post by JoeP »

Many people, myself included, often postpone re-booting until is is convenient you should remember that a re-boot is required because some or all of the files needed to be updated are in use. If it is SOME of the files then continuing to use your PC in a partially updated condition could cause unintended results.


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Re: When to turn auto-updates OFF

Post by ChrisGreaves »

JoeP wrote:... then continuing to use your PC in a partially updated condition could cause unintended results.
A bit like running Microsoft Software, eh? :evilgrin:
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Re: When to turn auto-updates OFF

Post by PJ_in_FL »

JoeP wrote:... could cause unintended results. Joe
I would say rebooting while processes are running takes the probable "could" to the certain "will". That's why I put updates on the "download only" option, but your comment is well taken for those individuals who may allow updates to be installed automatically that they may need to rethink their update strategy.

Since our computers became Personal Computers many people are their own System Administrator. Microsoft's decision to force rebooting without the user's permission is IMHO overstepping the boundaries of who is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the computer. The same is true of any company that believes they should be making the decisions for people without their permission, be it our favorite whippping boys in Redmond or anywhere else...
PJ in (usually sunny) FL

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Re: When to turn auto-updates OFF

Post by ChrisGreaves »

PJ_in_FL wrote:... force rebooting without the user's permission is IMHO overstepping the boundaries ...
I concur wholeheartedly.
We already have a zillion dialogues asking if we would like to proceed. An extra checkbox in the Auto-Updates wouldn't have hurt.
I’ve been tidying the junk out of my shed for five years, and now can hardly get into the shed