Anything else I can do?

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Anything else I can do?

Post by aekyall »

I have a spare (old) computer running XP - it's not capable of being upgraded to 7 - and I would like, at least for the foreseeable future, to keep using it periodically. I've removed IE8 and replaced it with Mozilla; MSE with Avast (even though MSE will continue to be supported until next year); and I've removed Adobe Reader - which I understand could be a vulnerability? Is there anything else anyone thinks I should remove/add to limit exposure?
At some point I'd like to try upgrading the CPU if that's possible :scratch: - seems a good opportunity to learn a bit more about computer innards! But that's for another time, and another Topic, I think! :flee: .

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Re: Anything else I can do?

Post by HansV »

I'd install the NoScript add-in for Firefox and whitelist only sites that you trust. It's annoying at first, but after a while most or all sites that you visit regularly will be added.

And always be careful while surfing and opening e-mail messages, of course.
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Re: Anything else I can do?

Post by stuck »

aekyall wrote:...keep using it periodically...
Is it your only PC?

If not then simply don't connect it to the outside world and then you can use it indefinitely with little worry, assuming any files passed to and from it are clean.

If it is your only PC then I'd add keeping Flash Player up to date to your 'must do' list


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Re: Anything else I can do?

Post by aekyall »

Thanks both. Appreciated.

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Re: Anything else I can do?

Post by curious »

I, too, am still with XP. Should I remove IE8, as suggested by aekyall ? (Currently have Firefox 28 and Pale Moon)

Thank you

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Re: Anything else I can do?

Post by HansV »

As long as you keep your security software up-to-date, it's OK to keep IE8, at least for the moment. You might still need it for some websites, just as you will need PaleMoon (or Firefox or Chrome) for others.
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Re: Anything else I can do?

Post by curious »

Thank you, Hans. Still surprised at how many sites still 'shun' Firefox in favor of IE....

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Re: Anything else I can do?

Post by HansV »

Although all browsers deliver a core set of features, they may have custom extras that are not available in the others, and they may differ subtly in the way they react to events such as mouse movements and mouse clicks. If a website designer/programmer uses a feature or behavior specific to one browser, the site may not work the same way or not correctly in another, and not everyone has the resources/inclination to provide workarounds for all browsers.
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Re: Anything else I can do?

Post by stuck »

curious wrote:...Should I remove IE8...
My understanding of IE is that although it is technically an application that runs on top of Windows it's not like your average application and many aspects of IE are inextricably tied in with Windows / aspects of Windows are inextricably tied in with IE. This means you can't really uninstall it and why the standard advice to people choosing not to use IE as their browser is, "Keep IE up to date, but don't use it."

Given that, I would expect that 'uninstalling' IE8 from XP would leave an XP+IE7 combination, which is not in keeping with keeping IE up to date but not using it.

Until I can retire my XP system I will ensure XP has ALL it's patches and IE is at its highest version number compatible with XP (=IE8) and similarly fully patched and the latest version of Firefox will continue as my default browser.


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Re: Anything else I can do?

Post by stuck »

HansV wrote:...the site may not work the same way or not correctly in another, and not everyone has the resources/inclination to provide workarounds for all browsers.
:sigh: Tell me about it. The IT guys at work recently had to plug a potential security issue on our site, a two minute job. Unfortunately doing that 'broke' the site for the sizeable number of users still using IE8. It took them about 3 days of trial and error to come up with a hugely complicated set of alternative patches to pug the hole yet still allow IE to work on the site. They were not happy bunnies but there is so much traffic out there still using IE8 we had little option but to find a workaround.


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Re: Anything else I can do?

Post by JoeP »

If you have a supported version of any Microsoft software serviced through Microsoft Update you'll need IE to access Microsoft Update for patches - unless you plan on not updating or you plan on searching for download links.


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Re: Anything else I can do?

Post by BobH »

FWIW don't be too shy about rebuilding that old PC. It really is only a matter of using a screwdriver and connecting various kinds of cables. Even I was able to take an old XP machine that was terribly slow and outdated and build a new Core i5 based system.

Here are a few things to consider:
1) the case itself; the form factor for the case constrains what form factor motherboard to choose
2) the power supply; new components require more power; most likely you will need to replace it
3) the motherboard; it constrains what CPUs you can use and how much memory you can install
4) number of component devices - HDDs, CDDDs, et al - you want to run
5) graphics adapter; Win7 and higher are likely to need more power than you have
6) connectivity components; USB (3?), IEEE, et al
7) licensing a new OS; Win7/8 are pricey as standalone purchases

Don't expect to save much money, in any, by building your own system; but expect to have fun and to learn a lot. If you decide to tackle it, let us know. There are a lot of web sites and forums that are available to help you.

Another option for your old machine is to drop Windows entirely (I know. I blaspheme.) It is an equally interesting challenge and learning experience to dabble with a Linux distribution.

Bob's yer Uncle
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Re: Anything else I can do?

Post by aekyall »

Re IE8: The reason I 'disabled' it (actually, just 'unticked' it - and, as far as I can tell, I didn't end up with an earlier version of IE on my system), is that I thought I'd read somewhere, or perhaps heard here(?) that as there would be no more patches/security updates to XP, there would also be nothing for IE8 either???? Happy to be told I've misunderstood (wouldn't be the first time!).

BobH - Thanks for the pointers re upgrading the hardware on my old machine; useful info, non of which I'd even thought of! I do intend to 'have a go' at some point and will, almost certainly, be seeking guidance/help here in the lounge!!

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Re: Anything else I can do?

Post by stuck »

aekyall wrote:Re IE8:... as there would be no more patches/security updates to XP, there would also be nothing for IE8 either...
Correct, support for IE ended at the same time as support for XP ended. As Joe explained the only reason for keeping IE8 active is to allow you to use the MS Update site as that website will only work with IE but unless you have other MS software that is still in-life, e.g Office 2010, and thus likely to require you to make periodic visits to the MS update site then disabling IE8 is probably a good idea after all.
