Missed updates

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Missed updates

Post by Dave Davison »

Despite not having my present computer very long and the "Updates" set to "Auto" (see below) I have just run Belarc Advisor which reports numerous updates missing. Below is part of the list, what is the quickest way to acquire all the updates some of which are said to be "Critical" and many "Important" please? Thanks Dave.
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Re: Missed updates

Post by Leif »

I would check the dates to see if they are still relevant. The first one, for example, dates back to 2008, and it could be that they have all been superceded by more recent updates.

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Re: Missed updates

Post by Dave Davison »

Thanks Leif, I was for some unknown reason unable to run Secunia on my previous computer but have just installed their latest version seeing they have stopped their on-line scans so will run this one and see what latest updates are said to be required on my current M/C. By the way Leif, seeing I am joined at the hip to XP -which is due for cremation in April- and don't warm to Windows 7 that is on our church laptop, apart from the despised expense that W7 will incur what is you opinion of Open Office and does it conflict with the countless Word Docs and stuff I already have on my HD if I install it? Thanks Dave.

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Re: Missed updates

Post by HansV »

In addition to Leif's reply: since you have Automatic Updates turned on, you don't have to worry about those updates. Had you needed them, Microsoft Update would have installed them. They are all Office updates from 2010 or before.

Windows XP will keep on running after April 8. If you act carefully and responsibly, you can keep on using it for a while longer.

Open Office is NOT a replacement for Windows XP; it is a free, open-source alternative to Microsoft Office. Its can read and write Word documents, Excel workbooks and PowerPoint presentations.
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Re: Missed updates

Post by Dave Davison »

..thanks Hans, lets hope your phrase "You can keep on using it for a while longer" turns out to be l,....o....n....g while, I suppose W7 is inevitable or maybe some alternative. I would appreciate your opinion on the following four. http://itsfoss.com/linux-replace-windows-xp/ Cheers Dave.

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Re: Missed updates

Post by HansV »

Linux is a good operating system, with the considerable advantage that it's free, and that it runs on modest hardware.

But keep in mind that your current Windows programs won't run on Linux. You'll have to download and install Linux versions. There is a lot of software available for Linux nowadays, but not every Windows program has a direct Linux equivalent.
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Re: Missed updates

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Re: Missed updates

Post by Dave Davison »

...........thanks guys, read the info concerning the death of XP but face the deadline with trepidation. No good burying my head in the sand though the axe is raised so will have to grasp the nettle and go for it (whatever IT may be) Cheers Dave.

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Re: Missed updates

Post by stuck »

I'm surprised you don't like the idea of Win 7, visually at least it's not that different from XP.

Win 8 though, now that is another matter :flee:


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Re: Missed updates

Post by Dave Davison »

KEN .............are you inferring that windows 8 is Vista reborn? Secondly, (I know the saying, how long is a piece of string) but how long do you think it will be before Windows 7 is also consigned to the dust bin by Microsoft seeing they have demonstrated by their past record of trashing perfectly good O.S. that they are on a mission to wring as much cash out of their customers as possible for little in return. The brother of the computer shop owner who I patronize has a tanning shop and is still using Windows 98!!!!! claiming it does all he requires it to do. If - as you say - Windows 7 is "Not that different from XP" all the more reason why I begrudge being forced to purchase it. Were it not for the weird virus thugs who seem to get some sort of delight out of ruining people's computers, I suspect I would never need consign XP to the grave as it does everything I want of it. Lamentably, Thanks Dave.

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Re: Missed updates

Post by viking33 »

Dave Davison wrote:KEN .............are you inferring that windows 8 is Vista reborn? Secondly, (I know the saying, how long is a piece of string) but how long do you think it will be before Windows 7 is also consigned to the dust bin by Microsoft seeing they have demonstrated by their past record of trashing perfectly good O.S. that they are on a mission to wring as much cash out of their customers as possible for little in return. The brother of the computer shop owner who I patronize has a tanning shop and is still using Windows 98!!!!! claiming it does all he requires it to do. If - as you say - Windows 7 is "Not that different from XP" all the more reason why I begrudge being forced to purchase it. Were it not for the weird virus thugs who seem to get some sort of delight out of ruining people's computers, I suspect I would never need consign XP to the grave as it does everything I want of it. Lamentably, Thanks Dave.
Well, that's the way businesses work, Dave. I don't think I would care to be driving around in an old Ford Model T today? Maybe just for kicks but not for everyday use.
The learning curve is fairly short on Win 7 and it's a more stable a platform than XP, IMHO. ( try it, you'll like it )
I still dual boot with Win 7 and XP and I'll occasionally go into XP but happily return to 7 ASAP.
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If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.

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Re: Missed updates

Post by stuck »

Dave Davison wrote:KEN .............are you inferring that windows 8 is Vista reborn? Secondly, (I know the saying, how long is a piece of string) but how long do you think it will be before Windows 7 is also consigned to the dust bin by Microsoft
The only similarity between Win 8 and Vista is that they are both operating systems OS that vast number of people are NOT buying.

Google pointed me to this page that says Win 7 will be supported until Jan 2020.


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Re: Missed updates

Post by DaveA »

Yes, that is SUPPORTED, but Microsoft has STOPPED selling licenses to the OEM's and stopped making retail copies of Windows 7.
I am so far behind, I think I am First :evilgrin:
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Re: Missed updates

Post by PaulB »

This TechRepublic article explores some viable options for users of WinXP.

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Re: Missed updates

Post by Dave Davison »

BOB........ You mention [Double Booting] and I have seen the same method mentioned in many of the posts in the links shown but (to be honest) I haven't a clue how to even begin to approach that option. I suppose such a dual set up means that both Win 7 & XP are both installed on the HD so how does one determine which OS is the default? Then there is Zorin which gets a lot of thumbs up on the forums mentioned BUT there seems potential snags with drivers needing to be installed for it!
Frustratingly, D Day is fast bearing down on the world so there is little time left to make up one's mind. Me thinks Win 7 might have to be reluctantly plumped for so what might the cost be for replacing XP with that OS? Cheers Dave.

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Re: Missed updates

Post by HansV »

Dave, although support for Windows XP ends in a few weeks, Windows XP will keep on working, and the ceiling won't fall in.
I do think it would be wise to move to a more modern operating system eventually, but there is no reason to panic.
You might be able to find Windows 7 still for sale at a local computer store; otherwise you might look for it online (e.g. Amazon). Avoid OEM versions though - they are meant to be sold together with a computer.
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Re: Missed updates

Post by StuartR »

It's perfectly legitimate to buy an OEM version of windows with a disk drive, which can be significantly cheaper than buying a whole computer.

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Re: Missed updates

Post by HansV »

Ah - thanks!
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Re: Missed updates

Post by Dave Davison »

Thanks you gents for all your comments on this matter, having read numerous posts on various forums as well as accessing the links given in this thread I understand that [as Hans said] the ceiling will not fall in but I suspect the cessation of Microsoft support may well be an incentive for many deranged hackers to launch an all out assault on countless not so well off surfers who can ill afford the criminal prices MS charges for their latest OS version which [despite offering some relatively minor changes] offers me at least nothing more than what XP already offers. I guess from previous complaints worldwide that millions of other users worldwide are of the same persuasion. I suspect the shop owner whom I purchased my current computer from will have a license to install Win7 on multiple computers so may go down that road. What about the points I made in the opening paragraph of my last post; i.e. Zorin and Double Booting? Are they credible options for a novice? Regards Dave.

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Re: Missed updates

Post by HansV »

Although Linux has become a lot easier to use, I still don't think it's ideal for the non-technical user - others may have a different opinion.

I don't see the advantages of a dual-boot system for your setup, unless you'd like to use a modern OS for 'ordinary' usage including surfing the internet, and keep Windows XP to run software that isn't compatible with the newer OS, without an internet connection for safety.
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