Download slows computer almost to a halt

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Dave Davison
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Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by Dave Davison »

Just now when I attempted to play a music file from the HD a prompt informed me there were some updates for Quick time & iTunes so I decided to accept them however during the download which seemed to take forever, the computer ground to a standstill. I have noted a slowing down somewhat during previous downloads but never like this time. I have included a couple of screen shots showing the performance graphs as they existed during downloading. The first one was taken when the PF usage was showing 2.4GB & CPU 12% the computer being at it's slowest and got a little quicker when the readings were PF 2.63 & 83%. If this had been the norm I would have accepted it & done something else but seeing it is the first time I have experience such a slowing down during downloading I wondered if it was maybe because the particular updates were larger than normal? Thanks Dave.
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Re: Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by HansV »

Is it correct that your computer has 2 GB RAM? If so, you have far too much running at once, so you're using more memory than the available RAM. This causes memory to be swapped to disk; this is very slow.
You should try to run fewer programs/processes simultaneously, so that you don't use more than 2 GB of memory.
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Re: Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by Bigaldoc »

This may have nothing to do with your problem, but I'll tell you anyway.

Apple update are notoriously BAD. Recently, when Apple announced iTunes 11 I tried for a few days to download it and was completely unsuccessful. So, I gave up.

After a few days rest, I went to the Apple web site and downloaded iTunes 11 and finally did manage to get it installed.

My purpose in posting is only to caution you to check your computer's "performance" at downloading with ANYTHING other than the Apple site.

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Re: Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by Dave Davison »

Thanks gents, Yes Hans, you are right, my RAM is 1.99GB which I suppose is classed as 2GB. I half expected this advice - as I said - I have never experience this degree of slowness when downloading all other updates over many years. You certainly seem to be right on the nail Al, iTunes updating has proved to be the most -none friendly- freebie I have come across. Now please excuse my dullness but if I predominantly use VLC for playing audio & videos files do I really need iTunes or is it necessary for watching / listening to media on-line? Many thanks Dave.
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Re: Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by HansV »

I uninstalled QuickTime for Windows years ago and haven't missed it once. I never used iTunes since I don't like its business model (you only lease items from Apple, they remain their property and can be disabled by them at any moment.)
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Re: Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by Bigaldoc »

Dave, I don't think iTunes is necessary for anything online. The only reason I EVER use it is to buy "selected" music from them on a "per song" basis, usually $0.99 here in the USA. If I were you, I wouldn't install iTunes OR QuickTime unless you come across something that can't be done without them.

Hans, I too NEVER use QuickTime but unfortunately downloading and installing iTunes has always involved inclusion of QuickTime, so I do it and then forget it. QuickTime has never gotten in my way except for its autoloader which I've always prevented with WhatInStartup.

As for iTunes, buying one or more pieces of music from them is now a lot less "stressful" than it used to be. I usually buy a song, convert it from their format to .MP3 and store it on my drive. As far as I'm concerned, their "business model" is of no concern unless I were bootlegging their music, which I don't do. But, buying selected music is the ONLY reason I keep iTunes on my drive. I also use the Amazon service for this but the iTunes "selection" seems to be a lot larger.

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Re: Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by Dave Davison »

Again thanks............iTunes will be deleted that's fort sure as I never have needed to purchase any music from them. Thanks Dave.

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Re: Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by Argus »

And after you have uninstalled some software, which might have had components running in the background as discussed above, you can check the Peak value, under Commit Charge, and compare it with Total, under Physical Memory, as seen in the images above. The Peak value is the highest level during that session, i.e. between start and shut down of the OS. Usually there is an initial peak just after boot time and then as we start using the computer it might record higher levels.

There is nothing wrong with having lots of software installed, tools etc. But since many of them tend to run software at start up time, they can chew up RAM. You might want to take a look, again, at the startup keys in the registry; either with WhatInStartup, as mentioned by Al, AutorRuns or similar software, after you have uninstalled iTunes etc. Unless of course you know that you were running some software in the situation mentioned above.
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Re: Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by Dave Davison »

Hi Argus....thanks for the the time my computer slowed to a stop updating iTunes was -apart from what runs at start-up- the only thing I was doing, the computer would not allow me to do anything else. I have attached a screen shot of what is activated at start up so would appreciate any comments as to what else can be disabled though they all seem to me to be needed. Cheers Dave.
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Re: Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by HansV »

I'd uninstall Adobe ARM - it's useless bloatware, as far as I can tell.
Do you use the Ask Toolbar (it's a browser toolbar)? If not, I'd uninstall it. If you use it, you can still block its updater ApnUpdater.
Do you need Sun Java? Some banks use it for online banking. If not, I'd uninstall it. If you keep it, you can block the SunJavaUpdater.
Do you use Windows Live Messenger? If not, I'd uninstall it (I see it's already disabled).
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Re: Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by Dave Davison »

Many thanks Hans will uninstall the lot ASAP, don't use any of them. Regards Dave.

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Re: Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by Argus »


I see that Hans has replied, well I had already written a reply, so I'll post it. A bit slow here, it was time for a late dinner.

I haven't looked closer at every item, and since I'm not using AVG any more, so I can't give advice on each of them. But there are certain AVG tools and updates that you should keep.

Starting from the top, if it were me, I would probably disable IgfxTray, the graphics configuration tool in the tray area, it’s not critical to have running all day, but then again I don’t know how you are using the software.

Then from a general perspective, an anti-virus and an anti-spyware software is good, but I would not run SuperAntiSpyware together with WinPatrol, and AVG, You can, for example, use SuperAntiSpyware as an "on demand scanner", for a second opinion, instead of having it running in the background all the time. (One shouldn't use more than one AV as real-time protection, anti-spyware might be a different animal, but it isn't necessary to have more than one running.)

As for HDAudDeck; an audio control panel software of some kind; I have something similar installed with the drivers for the onboard audio, and it wants to run in the tray. But I don't change the settings that often, never in fact, so it's disabled in my case. I can't say if it's important to you.

I don't use Ask Toolbar, but I don't see it as critical to have an updater, ApnUpdater, running all day to check if there are any updates to a toolbar ... It can be disabled from the settings for the toolbar. ... rHelp.html" onclick=";return false;

You can definitely disable Adobe Reader and Acrobat Manager, Adobe ARM; it comes with Adobe Reader, you can still update the software with out it running from start.

As has been mentioned in the security forum; Sun JAVA is often under attack, and there are vulnerabilities exposed every now and then, so if you don't need it uninstall it.
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Re: Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by Dave Davison »

.thanks Argus.......will digest later as it is now well past midnight GMT. Regards Dave.

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Re: Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by Dave Davison » my current issue is related to this one -if I may I will revive it.
In the mire well and truly. For many moons I have been getting "Free for a day" progs offered and have never encountered any problems that was till last week when I opted for the "System Speed Booster" and unwittingly failed to scan it with AVG before installing it with the result some gremlin completely trashed my system the desktop wallpaper reverted to the bog standard Microsoft green hill side picture, many of the folders on the desktop disappeared and the default language is Greek. I suspect a complete wipe of the "C" drive will be required and XP reinstalled. Sadly the shop owner has had to return to his native homeland because of family illness so I have had to resort to a laptop (running with XP) but find it abominably slow. Checking the Task Manager just after booting up I note that CPU usage is showing 100% so it obviously is taking an eternity to perform any request. I suspect there are too many programs running at boot up but need to know what must be running to effectively run the system. Thankfully, I have access to my brother's laptop so am able to send this post. Incidentally, I only have it in my possession because he claims when e.g. he is typing the text in an email or entering a URL into the search box, the letters fail to appear on screen and the cursor remains stationary. I offered to ask my local computer shop owner to give it the once over but that too is on hold. Though he did demonstrate the issue when he brought it over and I witnessed it myself- the fault has not occurred whilst I have been typing this post.
From the screenshot please tell me the programs that can be stopped from opening at boot up which hopefully will reduce the CPU usage to much less than 100% so the computer will function in a normal manner. Thank You Dave.

sorry about the font size, I have tried to increase it without success.
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Re: Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by viking33 »

SASCore.exe is using 99% of the CPU. That is the big culprit. It is also suggested that it is a Virus, although it COULD be related to the Super Anti Spyware mess.
Check this link regarding same and removal." onclick=";return false;

Dump that SAS thing!
:massachusetts: :usa:

If I agreed with you we'd both be wrong.

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Re: Download slows computer almost to a halt

Post by Dave Davison »

Thanks a million Bob, I am of course using my brother's laptop to access the lounge so will certainly attend to the Super Antispyware mess [as you rightly call it] on my laptop.
Really appreciate the assistance readily available on this fantastic site... THANK YOU DAVE