The following (as an example) BATch script.......
Code: Select all
@echo off & setLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo BATch file started on !Date! @ %time:~0,5%
copy "C:\Users\Nathan Docs\X.txt" "C:\Users\Nathan Docs\Y.txt"
echo X copied to Y.
echo BATch file finished on !Date! @ %time:~0,5%
echo Press any key to exit. & pause > nul
Q1: Is there a way to stop the line "1 file<s> copied" from being recorded in the output? I would rather use something more meaningful, "echo X copied to Y"
Q2: Is there a way to capture the result of the instruction, whether it was a success or a failure? I would like to specify (for example) "echo copy X to Y successful" or "echo copy X to Y failed"