Laptop not recognising android phone

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Dave Davison
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Laptop not recognising android phone

Post by Dave Davison »

My brother is winding down his gardening activities and wants to sell some tools like lawnmowers etc., so I offered to advertise them on Facebook market place but I can't transfer the photos from my phone to the laptop. I get to the 1.05 minute point of this tutorial but my laptop does not recognise the phone when plugged in as does that in the video so I am stumped.
I am using the USB cable recommended by the computer shop techie so any tips would be much appreciated. :scratch: Thanks Dave.

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Re: Lapttop not recognising android phone

Post by HansV »

Moved from 'Other Office Applications' since it has nothing to do with Microsoft Office.
Best wishes,

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Re: Lapttop not recognising android phone

Post by stuck »

Dave Davison wrote:
14 Apr 2023, 17:33
...I offered to advertise them on Facebook market place but I can't transfer the photos from my phone to the laptop...
I don't have a smart phone so I could be wrong but surely you don't need to transfer the files from your phone to your laptop? Would you not simply log into the Facebook app on the phone?


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Re: Laptop not recognising android phone

Post by Dave Davison »

Thanks for reply Ken, my Android phone is not connected to the internet, only use it for calls and texts. Upgraded from my old Nokia by my family last Christmas though the package is the same which siffics me. As I said, I was able to follow the You Tube video to the point where plugging the phone in should be recognised by the platop but it does not so I can't go any further. Thanks anyway.

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Re: Laptop not recognising android phone

Post by StuartR »

One common reason for this is if your charging cable does not have the correct wires for data transfer.

Did you try any of the other methods described in that video?

If that doesn't work then I think you will have to connect your phone to your WiFi to do this

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Re: Laptop not recognising android phone

Post by Leif »

Dave Davison wrote:
16 Apr 2023, 11:38 Android phone...
Can you tell us which Android phone you have?

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Re: Laptop not recognising android phone

Post by StuartR »

One other option you could consider.

If your phone has a removable SD card then you can copy the photos to the card and then move the card to a card reader connected to your PC.