Simulate a push button on a web page initiate by MS Access

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Simulate a push button on a web page initiate by MS Access

Post by Pat »

I start web pages from Access, and I need to simulate a button press, Is there a way to do this?

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Re: Simulate a push button on a web page initiate by MS Acce

Post by HansV »

Not if you mere follow a hyperlink to the web page, but it is possible if you open the web page programmatically. You have to study the source code of the web page and find the name of the button.

See for example VBA Code To Activate/Press Button On Web Page or Start web page that requires password (Log onto gmail).
Best wishes,

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Re: Simulate a push button on a web page initiate by MS Acce

Post by Pat »

Thanks Hans, I will follow up on this