An egg-white diet - part two

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An egg-white diet - part two

Post by ChrisGreaves »

There will come a time when you tire of the egg-white diet. That time will come around 3 a.m. when you can’t get to sleep. It happened to me, and I started to contemplate tomorrow’s (well, today’s actually) tasks out in the back forty.

When I think about it, each dandelion plant puts forth a half-dozen blossoms, and each blossom puts forth (say) one hundred parachute seeds, and each one millimetre seed packs enough protein and energy so that next spring, when the seed gets wet, there is enough energy for it to send forth a plumule and radical, basically boot-strapping itself to the point where the plumule has enough leaves to take over and grab energy from the sun.
Like the first two cards in an IBM 1401 object deck – a lot of potential in there!

It follows, I believe, that all that potential must be present within the blossom, rather like the raw materials in the factory, waiting to be assembled. So rather than dig through the snow next January looking for one-millimetre seeds, it makes a lot more sense to carry off by force the mother load.
In a bowl collect forty dandelion heads; big fat juicy ones. Ignore the comments from your back-fence neighbour.
On your way back to the kitchen grab a handful of leaves from a fresh, young, brash dandelion plant. Plenty more where that came from.
Some say to rinse the leaves to remove insects, but we are after protein here, vegetable protein AND animal protein. Right?
(continued in next post)
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Last edited by ChrisGreaves on 29 Jun 2022, 13:28, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: An egg-white diet - part two

Post by ChrisGreaves »

Pat the diced leaves into a dome-shaped pile because this feels good.
Roughly dice the dandelion heads. Now when I say "roughly", I don’t want you to swear at them. It’s just that there are limits to what you can balance on a fork-used-as-a-spoon, and small portions have more staying power, especially when glued together.
Open up a can of sardines and mash them en boîte d’étain if you are into French cuisine. Grab a jar of home made chutney (a.k.a. "glue"). If you don’t have a can of sardines, a can of Hereford Corned Beef will do, provided that you remembered to chill it overnight so that it easy to dice into ½ centimetre cubes.
Failing that, some of last night’s roast chicken grated on a cheese grater until the blood shows through.
Mix them all up, and eat them outside on the lawn in a Muskoka chair with a large glass of home-made ginger beer while reading a book.
Beats the heck out of Soil Remediation tasks!
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