Send Whatsapp messages

vilas desai
Posts: 318
Joined: 16 Mar 2011, 09:33

Send Whatsapp messages

Post by vilas desai »

Hello Experts

I am not sure if this request is under this domain but et me try.
If not please advise where this should be posted.

I have a list of phone numbers in Col A of an excel sheet. I would
like a code that would pick up each number and send a message
which has links to videos in my website or in my google drive.

All of these contacts are in a group and known to each other.
SO this is not a spamming.

Please advise
Best regards
Vilas Desai

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Re: Send Whatsapp messages

Post by StuartR »

This won't be easy, but you can start by looking through these WhatsApp APIs to see if any of them can be integrated into your development environment

vilas desai
Posts: 318
Joined: 16 Mar 2011, 09:33

Re: Send Whatsapp messages

Post by vilas desai »

Thanks Stuart