Hans has just made a post in our Words from On High forum, reminding people to create passwords that are hard to guess.
Here are some suggestions for things you should think about when creating a password.
Don't use the same password on multiple sites. One common scam is to set up a fake web site offering free downloads or games, but requiring registration, and then trying out the email address and password you supply on lots of other sites
Store your passwords in a safe location, for example an encrypted Word or Excel file or one of the many tools designed for this purpose
Don't use a word from the dictionary as your password
Don't use your name, or username, or anyone else's name as your password
Use mixed characters, including uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and punctuation
The best way to create a password is to base it on a pass phrase, for example
I find eileen's lounge very helpful
Take the first letters - ifelvh
Make all the vowels uppercase - IfElvh (or all the letters between A and M or some other easy rule)
Add a digit or two - 1IfElvh
Add a punctuation mark or symbol - 1IfElvh@
And there you have a password that is easy to remember, unique to the site, and almost impossible to guess
I was one of those who received that message, and I hadn't even tried logging in. I took your suggestion from awhile back Stuart and re-created all my passwords (except EL) so now will do that as well. Thank you.
Nope I don't have that checked. It was weird because I hadn't tried logging in except the first time and I got that message. That hadn't happened before, but thanks for the thought :-)