Outlook 365 - Empty Inbox

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Outlook 365 - Empty Inbox

Post by hlewton »

I leave my Outlook 365 open all day long until I turn off my computer. I replied to an email from a streaming service. I still have that reply in my sent file. That is all I did, I did no deleting of anything, yet when I returned my attention to the Inbox there was a message that there was nothing to display. At least 80 Inbox items had disappeared. I restarted Outlook and then restarted the computer, all to no avail. I have managed to retrieve almost all my Inbox messages which I found in the deleted folder, plus I backup my Outlook PST file on a weekly basis in case something like this happens. I know someone is going to think that I accidentally deleted my entire Inbox without me realizing it but, I assure you that is not the case. So I can avoid anything like this happening in the future, does anyone have any idea what happened this time to delete my entire Inbox? Thanks.