Customizing toolbar OL 2007

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Customizing toolbar OL 2007

Post by dasadler »

I have some Outlook templates I use and it is cumbersome to invoke them... I have to use the dialog boxes as shown below. I thought I might be able to do a macro and assign it to a command button on the tool bar - or to a new menu item but I cannot find any way in OL to do this. Ideally, I would like to have a menu where I could list my templates (or several buttons) and quickly click on one to create a new message with my selected template.

I did customize the tool bar as much as I could by putting the form chooser button but it brings up what you see below.
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Re: Customizing toolbar OL 2007

Post by HansV »

You could create a series of macros like this:

Code: Select all

Sub UseTemplate1()
  Application.CreateItemFromTemplate TemplatePath:="C:\Templates\Template1.oft"
End Sub
In the Customize dialog, add a new menu to the Outlook menu bar or to a toolbar, and add the macros to the new menu.
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Re: Customizing toolbar OL 2007

Post by dasadler »

Would i do that by doing Alt-F11? If so, would it be a 'module'?

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Re: Customizing toolbar OL 2007

Post by HansV »

Yes, press Alt+F11 to activate the Visual Basic Editor.
Then select Insert | Module to create a new module in which you can create the macros.
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Re: Customizing toolbar OL 2007

Post by dasadler »

Thank you Hans, I did this as you suggested and have a couple of observations: (see the line of code below)

1) If the macro name on the button does not match the actual sub name in code, I get an error - this means I must have a cryptic name like Project1.EventInfo on the button image on the toolbar when I would like a more friendly name.

2) When the names are correct, I get no error but nothing happens.

Finally, I used customize toolbar to create a new menu group but cannot get the macro into the menu - is this possible?

Sub EventInfo()
Application.CreateItemFromTemplate TemplatePath:="C:\Users\Don\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\event info.oft"
End Sub

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Re: Customizing toolbar OL 2007

Post by dasadler »

I think I fixed # 2 above by using the following code (found on the MS site):

Sub EventInfo()
Dim MyItem As Outlook.MailItem
Set MyItem = Application.CreateItemFromTemplate("C:\Users\Don\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Templates\event info.oft")
End Sub

However... any way to have a more friendly name for the macro displayed? Ideally as one of several templates within a menu list.

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Re: Customizing toolbar OL 2007

Post by HansV »

To add a new menu to the menu bar or to a toolbar, add the New Menu item to it:
Right-click the new menu that you created and change its name in the Name box (*).
Next, select the Macros category, and drag a macro to the new menu; when the menu drops down, move the mouse to the (initially empty) menu and drop the macro.
Right-click the new menu item and change its name in the Name box (*).
Repeat as needed.
Close the Customize dialog when done.

(*) If you want to underline a letter in the menu or item name, precede it with an ampersand &.
If you want to include an ampersand in the name, use two ampersands &&.
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Re: Customizing toolbar OL 2007

Post by dasadler »

Perfect. Thank you.