Mute Tabs in Edge

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Mute Tabs in Edge

Post by colmac »

Now that we have the ability to mute tabs, is there any way to set the default to Mute.

This is still one of the most annoying features.


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Re: Mute Tabs

Post by HansV »

Do you mean in the browser? If so, which one are you using?
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Re: Mute Tabs

Post by colmac »

My apologies. I meant MS Edge

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Re: Mute Tabs in Edge

Post by HansV »

As far as I know, that is not possible, but if someone else knows of a solution, I'd appreciate to hear of it.
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Re: Mute Tabs in Edge

Post by DaveA »

Why not just use the mute within the sound icon in the task bar?
I am so far behind, I think I am First :evilgrin:
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Re: Mute Tabs in Edge

Post by colmac »

As far as I know, that is not possible, but if someone else knows of a solution, I'd appreciate to hear
I suspected that might be the case. Thanks anyway.
Why not just use the mute within the sound icon in the task bar?
Because the sound has already blasted out of the speakers by that stage! I want to choose when I play sounds so as not to disturb others nearby.

I also frequently have 10 to 15 tabs open when I'm reading news. Why should I have to click each one?

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Re: Mute Tabs in Edge

Post by stuck »

DaveA wrote:Why not just use the mute within the sound icon in the task bar?
colmac wrote:...I want to choose when I play sounds so as not to disturb others nearby...
I think what Dave was suggesting was that you set the sound on you PC to 'mute' via the sound icon on the taskbar by default. That means you get no sound at all on any tab (or any other application) so no one gets disturbed if you open a noisy tab. However, once you open a tab that you do want to listen to then it's only one click on the Task Bar to restore the sound.


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Re: Mute Tabs in Edge

Post by colmac »

Thanks, I obviously misunderstood that suggestion. However, I then have to remember to turn sound on when I do want it. Still not ideal. We need a volume setting just for Edge