use string value as field property?

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use string value as field property?

Post by pmatz »


I have a vba function which looks up entries via ldap.
in breif i have it set up:

Code: Select all

Set rs = conn.Execute(ldapStr)
Set FoundObject = GetObject(rs.Fields(0))
and then was populating an array with:

Code: Select all

aResult(0) =
aResult(1) =
aResult(2) = FoundObject.title

i thought i would be clever and use checkboxes with names chk_sn, chk_co, chk_title etc and then use a loop to grab the properties of the found object depending on which checkboxes were ticked.

thing is i realise now i am tryin gto append a string value to the found object 's property. eg:

Code: Select all

aResult(i) = FoundObject.<<string>>
where <<string>> is an array (chk(i)) got by grabbing the parsing the checkbox names in a loop

i dont think there is a way to do this is there? Does this make sense?
thanks, Paul.

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Re: use string value as field property?

Post by HansV »

I have no experience with this, but does something like this work?

aResult(i) = FoundObject(chk(i))
Best wishes,