check error

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check error

Post by sal21 »

I use thei code to find in a XML nodes:

Code: Select all


    Dim APICall As String
    Dim Query As String
    Dim strKey As String
    Dim T As Long, XMLQUERY As String
    Dim myXML As New MSXML2.DOMDocument
    Dim nodes As IXMLDOMSelection

    XMLQUERY = "" & LAT & "," & LNG & "?o=xml&C=IT&key=" & BINGKEY

    With CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
        .Open "GET", XMLQUERY, False

        Do While myXML.ReadyState <> READYSTATE_COMPLETE
            Sleep (100)

        'TEST XML
        'Dim OBJ As Object
        'Dim TESTO As String
        'Dim TEMP As String

        'Set OBJ = CreateObject("InetCtls.Inet")

        'TEMP = (TESTO)

        'Open "C:\SERVIZIO\FileXML.XML" For Output As #1
        'Print #1, TEMP
        'Close #1

        'Set OBJ = Nothing
        'TEST XML

        myXML.loadXML .responseText    'raw xml
        Set nodes = myXML.selectNodes("//*")

STRADA = UCase(GetFirstNamedNode("AddressLine", nodes).Text)


end with

Private Function GetFirstNamedNode(myNode As String, myNodes As IXMLDOMSelection) As IXMLDOMElement

    Dim seeknode As IXMLDOMElement
    NRLINE = 0
    For Each seeknode In myNodes
        If seeknode.nodeName = myNode Then
            Set GetFirstNamedNode = seeknode
            NRLINE = 1
            Exit For
        End If
    'If seeknode Is Nothing Then Stop

End Function
only a prob... if the code dont find the node AddressLine, to the end of function have the error in image...

how to check?
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Re: check error

Post by HansV »

Replace the line

Code: Select all

        STRADA = UCase(GetFirstNamedNode("AddressLine", nodes).Text)

Code: Select all

        Dim TheNode
        Set TheNode = GetFirstNamedNode("AddressLine", nodes)
        If TheNode Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        STRADA = UCase(TheNode.Text)
Best wishes,

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Re: check error

Post by sal21 »

HansV wrote:
03 Jun 2022, 09:39
Replace the line

Code: Select all

        STRADA = UCase(GetFirstNamedNode("AddressLine", nodes).Text)

Code: Select all

        Dim TheNode
        Set TheNode = GetFirstNamedNode("AddressLine", nodes)
        If TheNode Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        STRADA = UCase(TheNode.Text)
as usual NO HAVE a WORS!
Work perfect.
Tks bro

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Re: check error

Post by sal21 »

HansV wrote:
03 Jun 2022, 09:39
Replace the line

Code: Select all

        STRADA = UCase(GetFirstNamedNode("AddressLine", nodes).Text)

Code: Select all

        Dim TheNode
        Set TheNode = GetFirstNamedNode("AddressLine", nodes)
        If TheNode Is Nothing Then
            Exit Sub
        End If
        STRADA = UCase(TheNode.Text)

i use this code for xml output in txt:

Code: Select all

XMLQUERY = "" & LAT & "," & LNG & "?o=xml&C=IT&key=" & BINGKEY

        'Dim OBJ As Object
        'Dim TESTO As String
        'Dim TEMP As String

        'Set OBJ = CreateObject("InetCtls.Inet")

        'TEMP = (TESTO)

        'Open "C:\SERVIZIO\FileXML.XML" For Output As #1
        'Print #1, TEMP
        'Close #1

        'Set OBJ = Nothing
        'TEST XML
but the output is only in one line.

attached the output txt, and i need the output in image
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Re: check error

Post by SpeakEasy »

>i need the output in image

Might I ask why?

(simplest way to get pretty much that is just to open the XML file in a recentish browser (e.g. IE, Edge, Chrome; indeed your jpg above seems to be the way Edge displays it), but I suspect you don't think that is something you want to do. Do you really need all the different, specific colours, the specific tabbing, the specific fonts? I ask because different applications that provide pretty XML displays all do it differently, since XML itself is a metalanguage with no format of its own)

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Re: check error

Post by sal21 »

SpeakEasy wrote:
03 Jun 2022, 18:14
>i need the output in image

Might I ask why?

(simplest way to get pretty much that is just to open the XML file in a recentish browser (e.g. IE, Edge, Chrome; indeed your jpg above seems to be the way Edge displays it), but I suspect you don't think that is something you want to do. Do you really need all the different, specific colours, the specific tabbing, the specific fonts? I ask because different applications that provide pretty XML displays all do it differently, since XML itself is a metalanguage with no format of its own)
but i need the formated text line by line

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Re: check error

Post by SpeakEasy »

Excellent, in which case we can leverage the fact that MSXML2 (which you are already using) has classes with the ability to parse raw XML into a prettier version that we humans like (about 50% of the following code is comments, so it is actually pretty short):

Code: Select all

Public Sub PrettyXMLExample(myXMLString As String)
    Dim objXML As New MSXML2.DOMDocument
    Dim xmlReader As New MSXML2.SAXXMLReader
    Dim xmlWriter As New MSXML2.MXXMLWriter

    If objXML.LoadXML(myXMLString) Then
        With xmlWriter
            .omitXMLDeclaration = True
            .indent = True
        End With
        With xmlReader
            Set .contentHandler = xmlWriter
            Set .dtdHandler = xmlWriter
            Set .errorHandler = xmlWriter
            ' Now pass the DOM through the SAX handler, and it will call the xmlWriter
            .Parse objXML
        End With
        'At this point xmlWriter.output has the prettified version of the raw XML
        ' So we can now do what we like with it
        ' e.g. stick it in a textbox:
        Text2.Text = xmlWriter.output
        ' or we could use file functions to write it to a file, or Split it
        ' or load the pretty version back into objXML ansd use DomDocument's
        ' ability to output direct to a file as shown in the 2 commented out lines below:
        ' objXML.LoadXML xmlWriter.output
        ' objXML.Save "d:\downloads\deleteme\output.xml" ' your output file goes here
        ' XML failed to load
    End If
End Sub

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Re: check error

Post by SpeakEasy »

Hello? Was this of any use?

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Re: check error

Post by sal21 »

SpeakEasy wrote:
13 Jun 2022, 17:08
Hello? Was this of any use?
Sorry bro but im busy with family.