Multi Level numbering

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Multi Level numbering

Post by shreeram.maroo »

I have created one multi level numbering having 4 layers

1st starting with A. 2nd with 1) 3rd with a) and 4th with (i)
Now every time there will not be requirement of 4 layers, for e.g topic A does not have any sublayer, topic B have only 3 layers, topic C may have 4 layers.

Say for example,
C. Contents
1) Lease
a) Summary of contract
(i) Asset summay

Now if contents of this (i) does not end at particular page and continues in next page, the beginning of next page has to be like this
C. Contents (Continued..)
1) Lease (Continued..)
a) Summary of Contract (Continued..)
(i) Asset summary (Continued..)

If the contents of (i) end before a page, the beginning of next page has to be like this:
C. Contents (Continued..)
1) Lease (Continued..)
a) Summary of Contract (Continued..)

So ultimately I need that a new page should catch what numbering sequence is being continued in previous page and text has to begin with as described above.
Is there any way, other than to type it manually and then adjust alignment and numbering of the text?

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Re: Multi Level numbering

Post by HansV »

I suspect that it will be difficult to obtain the result that you want, but perhaps one of our Word experts will come up with a suggestion...
Best wishes,

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Re: Multi Level numbering

Post by ChrisGreaves »

shreeram.maroo wrote:Hi, I have created one multi level numbering having 4 layers.... So ultimately I need that a new page should catch what numbering sequence
Hello Shreeram.
I think I understand your problem. I offer the following observations (based on my experience up to Word2003).

(1) Consider using the {SEQ} field code for numbering. I did a great deal of document conversion years ago and gave up on MSWord's List Numbering in Styles, finding {SEQ} fields to be much more manageable.

(2) Your requirement of top-of-next-page details suggests that you will not be able to achieve this using MSWord's inbuilt functions (I confess to not knowing Word2010, Word2016). I suspect that you will need to solve this with a bit of VBA programming code that first runs through the document removing any previous top-of-page text and secondly runs through the document inserting revised top-of-page text.

If I were sat down at a client site at 9am and told to get the job done by 5pm I'd adopt the programming approach.

Your main problem, i think, is dealing with page continuation data after someone has inserted a few characters that shuffles all pages down the line.

I hope that this helps.

P.S. I have VBA code that manages {SEQ} field sequenc ing if you'd like to take a look.

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Re: Multi Level numbering

Post by shreeram.maroo »

Hi Chris,

First of all, thanks a lot for updating me with SEQ. I find it way more useful to manage numbering in a word file.

The problem is with requirement on top of next page, because it becomes a boring and tiresome job to do. And I completely agree with you that the main problem is to deal with the page continuation data after someone has inserted or removed few characters. But I think it is difficult to have a VBA code for that.

Nevertheless, can you share the VBA code for managing SEQ field sequencing ?


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Re: Multi Level numbering

Post by ChrisGreaves »

shreeram.maroo wrote:... a boring and tiresome job to do.
Hi Shreeram.
I "got into" computers when I found that they could alleviate the boring and repetitive work.

I'm retired now and access WiFi about every two days.
Sometime today I'll dig out some {SEQ} code samples from my archives and then will post them back here.
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Re: Multi Level numbering

Post by Charles Kenyon »

I, too, am a fan of the SEQ Code. ... nce_Fields

However, you might be able to do much of what you want using the StyleRef field. ... m#STYLEREF

Another possibility is to have your numbering set so that the higher levels are a part of every number.
So you would have: C-1-A-i (continued)

As far as I'm concerned, the top guru on Word fields is Paul Edstein. He might be able to work out something that would help.
He regularly views posts at If you post there, be sure to note that it is a cross-post and put a link to this thread there and one to your new question here.

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Re: Multi Level numbering

Post by ChrisGreaves »

shreeram.maroo wrote:Nevertheless, can you share the VBA code for managing SEQ field sequencing ?
Hello Shreeram,
I note Charles Kenyon's suggestions. Follow them. (Charles Kenyon is one of my su-Peer-iors (grin!)

Here are some thoughts on your problem. I rather suspect that {SEQ} fields and List Numbering are not the main problem.
Right now I think that the problem needs to be defined.
The solution involves testing end-of-page conditions and manipulating text on the page, regardless of the user’s preference for numbering mechanisms.

There is a web page at ... /index.htm" onclick=";return false;
]There is a downloadable package (with Visual Basic for Applications code) at
I really do hope this helps.

Please read the document Shreeram.doc and let me know what you think.

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Re: Multi Level numbering

Post by ChrisGreaves »

Hi Charles.
In brief :yep:, :yep:, :yep:, and :yep:.
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Re: Multi Level numbering

Post by shreeram.maroo »

That's really useful. Thanks a lot :clapping: