Delete selected files while parsing a folder

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Joined: 18 Feb 2010, 14:26

Delete selected files while parsing a folder

Post by Robie »


I have written VBA code to delete specific files while parsing a folder. It works fine except after deletion. The deletion function uses a kill function (which also in the code below).
After deleting the first file, the Dir function *doesn't* return any more files to process. I know there are lots of files to delete yet.

Is there anyway I can fix this please? Thanks.

The code is as follows:

Code: Select all

Sub DeletePreviousDocuments(OldPath As String, StrFile As String)
'   DeletePreviousDocuments Macro
'   Deletes previous version files (except immediate previous) from Library after new documents are copied
    Dim LoopFile As String
    Dim sFNameNoExtension As String
    Dim sFileFromDirSearch As String
    Dim sSplitStr() As String

    Dim p As Long
    p = InStrRev(StrFile, ".")
    sFNameNoExtension = Mid(StrFile, 1, (p - 1))
    LoopFile = Dir(OldPath & "\*.*")
    Do While LoopFile <> ""
        p = InStrRev(LoopFile, ".")
        sFileFromDirSearch = Mid(LoopFile, 1, (p - 1))
        If (LCase(sFileFromDirSearch) <> LCase(sFNameNoExtension)) Then
            ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            ' Now delete this document 
            MsgBox (sFileFromDirSearch)
            DeleteFileProperly (OldPath & "\" & LoopFile)
        End If
        LoopFile = Dir
End Sub

Public Function DeleteFileProperly(file2delete As String)
'   DeleteFileProperly Function
'   Make sure that the specified file is deleted
    On Error Resume Next
    If FileExists(file2delete) Then         ' If the file exists:
        SetAttr file2delete, vbNormal       ' Set its attribute to Normal
        Kill file2delete                    ' Delete it
    End If
End Function

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Re: Delete selected files while parsing a folder

Post by HansV »

The problem is that deleting a file disrupts the loop - you're pulling the rug out from under the loop's feet as it were. One workaround is not to delete the files immediately, but to add them to a list; once the loop is complete, delete the listed files:

Code: Select all

Sub DeletePreviousDocuments(OldPath As String, StrFile As String)
'   DeletePreviousDocuments Macro
'   Deletes previous version files (except immediate previous) from Library after new documents are copied
    Dim LoopFile As String
    Dim sFNameNoExtension As String
    Dim sFileFromDirSearch As String
    Dim sSplitStr() As String
    Dim cFiles As New Collection
    Dim itm As Variant
    Dim p As Long

    p = InStrRev(StrFile, ".")
    sFNameNoExtension = LCase(Left(StrFile, p - 1))

    LoopFile = Dir(OldPath & "\*.*")
    Do While LoopFile <> ""
        p = InStrRev(LoopFile, ".")
        sFileFromDirSearch = Left(LoopFile, p - 1)
        If LCase(sFileFromDirSearch) <> sFNameNoExtension Then
            ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            MsgBox sFileFromDirSearch
            ' Add file to collection
            cFiles.Add LoopFile, LoopFile
        End If
        LoopFile = Dir

    ' Now delete the files
    For Each itm In cFiles
        DeleteFileProperly OldPath & "\" & itm
    Next itm
End Sub
Best wishes,

Posts: 656
Joined: 18 Feb 2010, 14:26

Re: Delete selected files while parsing a folder

Post by Robie »

HansV wrote:The problem is that deleting a file disrupts the loop - you're pulling the rug out from under the loop's feet as it were. One workaround is not to delete the files immediately, but to add them to a list; once the loop is complete, delete the listed files:

Code: Select all

Sub DeletePreviousDocuments(OldPath As String, StrFile As String)
'   DeletePreviousDocuments Macro
'   Deletes previous version files (except immediate previous) from Library after new documents are copied
    Dim LoopFile As String
    Dim sFNameNoExtension As String
    Dim sFileFromDirSearch As String
    Dim sSplitStr() As String
    Dim cFiles As New Collection
    Dim itm As Variant
    Dim p As Long

    p = InStrRev(StrFile, ".")
    sFNameNoExtension = LCase(Left(StrFile, p - 1))

    LoopFile = Dir(OldPath & "\*.*")
    Do While LoopFile <> ""
        p = InStrRev(LoopFile, ".")
        sFileFromDirSearch = Left(LoopFile, p - 1)
        If LCase(sFileFromDirSearch) <> sFNameNoExtension Then
            ' --------------------------------------------------------------------------
            MsgBox sFileFromDirSearch
            ' Add file to collection
            cFiles.Add LoopFile, LoopFile
        End If
        LoopFile = Dir

    ' Now delete the files
    For Each itm In cFiles
        DeleteFileProperly OldPath & "\" & itm
    Next itm
End Sub
Doh! Of course. Should have known that. :(
Thanks Hans. :clapping: