Delete a word from the base dictionary

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Delete a word from the base dictionary

Post by MelanieB »

How can I delete a word from the base dictionary? Not the custom one, but the main, base dictionary. We are Public company, and occasionally someone will mistype and leave out the L when typing the word Public. Oops! I know how to use Auto correct to fix that, but when it is typed in the subject line of an email, Autocorrect doesn't fix it. However, we can run spell check. But, since pubic is a word in the base dictionary, it doesn't flag it. Since we will never have a reason to use the word pubic in work correspondence, I want to remove that word from the dictionary so it will always be flagged if mistyped in an email subject line.


Thank you.

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Re: Delete a word from the base dictionary

Post by StuartR »

You could write an Outlook Macro that checks emails for that specific word before they are sent. You would then need to install this on every computer. If you are interested in this approach then we should probably continue in the Outlook forum.

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Re: Delete a word from the base dictionary

Post by William »

Another option is to use an Office exclude dictionary, though it seems that this only works with Outlook if you use Word as your email editor. See ... ictionary/ for more information.

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Re: Delete a word from the base dictionary

Post by MelanieB »

Very cool, William! Thank you!!

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Re: Delete a word from the base dictionary

Post by BobH »

Here's another take on exclusion dictionaries, Melanie.
Word Exclusion
Bob's yer Uncle
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