Question about Directory Displays in Win 7

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Question about Directory Displays in Win 7

Post by BobH »

Rudi's post about the classic view in Win 7 reminded me of a question I've been meaning to ask.

I have a Windows Explorer pinned to my quick launch tray. When I click it, the display I get has some directories expanded and others not expanded. It also does not position the window at the top of the directories list. Is it possible for me to customize the appearance of the directories controlling which ones are expanded and which are not?

:cheers: :chocciebar: :thankyou:
Bob's yer Uncle
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Re: Question about Directory Displays in Win 7

Post by Leif »


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Re: Question about Directory Displays in Win 7

Post by HansV »

Right-click the shortcut to Windows Explorer and select Properties from the context menu.
Set the Target to

%windir%\Explorer.exe C:\MyFolder

where C:\MyFolder is the folder you want to be expanded initially.
Best wishes,