Windows 7 Password

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Windows 7 Password

Post by RonH »

To access my pc I use a screen password. Just today I have noticed that when I open the pc from sleep and enter my password, the screen goes black and then the password request comes up again (fortunately :grin: ). Entering my password then opens the pc.
Nothing has been changed on my pc to the best of my knowledge and all seems to function as normal.
Any ideas as to what I can check?
Cheers Ron
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Re: Windows 7 Password

Post by DaveA »

Do you also have it set to require a password when the screen saver kicks in?

Does the screen saver kick in before the machines goes to sleep?
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Re: Windows 7 Password

Post by Rudi »

Apparently the power option Wake from sleep also has a password option that might be active...

Try uncheck that option by going here: Control Panel, Power Options / [System and Security->Power Options] depending on your CP layout. On the left Pane, "Require a Password on Wake Up"

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Re: Windows 7 Password

Post by HansV »

Could it be that you have set both "Require a password on wakeup" in the Power Options control panel, and "On resume, display logon screen" for your screen saver?
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Re: Windows 7 Password

Post by RonH »

Oh dear ... my fault :sad:
HP pc has the rhs number pad with the buttons either set to 'numbers' or set to actions like 'home/pg up/ end etc. This is controlled by a button marked num lock which of course does not have an illuminated led when set in one of the two possibilities :groan: ... you simply press it, it is non locking. This was reset such that my number pad was non operational but the second password 'try' somehow auto activates it into the numbers settings (just for the password entry) and the pc is opened. Typing in the password code 1st time should have made me aware that the numbers were not being entered ... but my focus is on the number pad.

Ho hum ... velly sorry to have taken up your time. I will try to behave more responsibly in future and try not to blame our cat for walking over the keypad :grin:
Cheers Ron
CYa Ron
W11 pc, Android toys.
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