Transfer files from Windows XP to Windows 7

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Transfer files from Windows XP to Windows 7

Post by Dave Davison »

Thanks for the comments in both posts, could not agree more with you Hans about Microsoft making changes that in many cases add nothing to the package and wonder if the meddling brains at Microsoft ever use the systems they obligate hundreds of millions to do. Thanks to the recent precise instructions of Hans I am so grateful to be able to access files direct from my XP laptop but despite the two boxes being ticked as per directions (see below) I am unable to transfer files from the desktop to the laptop as a message says I do not have permission to so do. Are there any further settings that can be changed on the laptop to enable me to visa versa please. Regards & :thankyou: Dave.
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Re: Transfer files from Windows XP to Windows 7

Post by HansV »

The above post was split off from a thread in the PowerPoint forum since it has nothing to do with PowerPoint.
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Re: Transfer files from Windows XP to Windows 7

Post by Claude »

Try grabbing the files from your Win 7 system instead of pushing it from your Win XP system.
Cheers, Claude.

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Re: Transfer files from Windows XP to Windows 7

Post by Dave Davison »

Please elucidate Claud............thanks Dave.

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Re: Transfer files from Windows XP to Windows 7

Post by Leif »

Claude wrote:Try grabbing the files from your Win 7 system instead of pushing it from your Win XP system.
Dave Davison wrote:Please elucidate Claud............thanks Dave.
I think what Claude is saying is to go to your W7 machine, navigate to your XP system, and then copy the files from the XP machine (as opposed to copying from XP to W7).

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Re: Transfer files from Windows XP to Windows 7

Post by DaveA »

Also it helps that all machines have an account name and password that are the same.
Windows 7 sharing loves passwords.
This account does not need to be active (that user logged in) but just on each machine and fully set up.

Also the posted "Sharing" properties pane is from what system and what is listed on the other system?
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Re: Transfer files from Windows XP to Windows 7

Post by Dave Davison »

The Shared folder from the XP laptop shown on the dasktop screen will not allow files to be dropped into it as permission is said to be required. Second question, why do both folders have the same content in them? Cheers Dave.
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Re: Transfer files from Windows XP to Windows 7

Post by DaveA »

What two folders have the same content?

If you are comparing the "Documents" and the "SharedDocs" then they are links to your real folder. The "Documents" share is from the Windows 7 using the Libraries and the other is the share that you made on the Windows 7 machine

What folders are listed on the "Owner-PC" machine (I believe that this is the XP machine)?
Have you defined any shares on the XP machine?

Also NOTE that one can NOT share the "My Documents" on a XP machine unless at the time the folder was made that it could be shared with all users.
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Re: Transfer files from Windows XP to Windows 7

Post by Dave Davison »

.thanks..............will get round to answering ASAP. Regards Dave.

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Re: Transfer files from Windows XP to Windows 7

Post by stuck »


I refer you again to my long post in your thread about running a 16 bit application and restate a bit of it here.

You do not need to be able transfer files from XP to Win 7 if you can transfer files from Win 7 to XP. In that other thread you said you could do that so try the following:
a) sit at you XP machine
b) put all the files you want to transfer to the the Win 7 machine into the XP 'Shared Documents' folder, i.e. the folder called 'Shared Documents' that you can see in the right hand pane of Explorer if you have selected your C: drive in the left hand pane.
c) leave the XP machine running

d) sit at your Win 7 machine
e) use Explorer and via 'Network' in the left hand pane, browse to the Shared Documents folder that is on the XP machine
f) when you get there you will see the files you put there at step b)
g) select the files you want and click Copy
h) now browse to the folder on the Win 7 machine where you want to put the files
i) when you get there, click paste

This is what Claude meant when he said, "Try grabbing the files from your Win 7 system instead of pushing it from your Win XP system" and what Leif expanded upon when he said, "go to your W7 machine, navigate to your XP system, and then copy the files from the XP machine (as opposed to copying from XP to W7)."


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Re: PowerPoint in Windows 7

Post by Dave Davison »

A thousand pardons for the protracted thread & any bewildermint I may have caused [emmoticon here] , I am delighted to report that I have sussed out [what I think] is a vague process of transfering files both ways on computers running different systems [not - I might add] without crucial help from this amazing forum without which I could NEVER have summmounted this lhurdle. The simple method for transfering files FROM the W7 TO the XP computer is to drag or copy a file into the PUBLIC folder [W7] from which is can be accessed on the XP machine. :clapping: :hairout: :cheers: :fanfare: :thankyou: Regards Dave.
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Re: PowerPoint in Windows 7

Post by HansV »

Dave, shouldn't your reply be in the Transfer files from Windows XP to Windows 7 thread?

Added later: I have moved the above reply from the PowerPoint thread PowerPoint in Windows 7 to this thread because it belongs here.
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Re: Transfer files from Windows XP to Windows 7

Post by hlewton »

Late to this thread and probably won't be able to give clear directions how to do it but I know from first hand experience that I can transfer, copy, or delete any files from my XP machines on my Win 7 machines and visa-a-verse in properly shared folders. I had help from the fellow that builds my computers but from what I can recall is that I had to set up shares on multiple layers of folders on both the XP and the Win 7 machines to get this to work. It was simpler in the XP machine because I was, at that time, more familiar with how shares were setup on the sub-folders under the My Documents folder. The Win 7 machine was more complicated for me because I really didn't, and still don't, understand all the different steps he had me follow to get this to work but I do remember it had something to do with setting up an "Everyone" share on a few folders and working heavily with advanced sharing properties for all the shared folders. Wish I could be more specific but that is all I remember except it is working great from and with all my Win 7 machines and my XP machines on which I didn't turn the sharing off when XP support stopped a few months ago.

To add to this on the XP machines they are in a network workgroup called "Workgroup" and the Win 7 machines are part of a "Homegroup" network and not part of the "Workgroup" network. I can drill down to any folder I want from any machine on any other machine as long as it is turned on and the shares have been set up correctly.

My computer builder got everything working as mentioned above so it can be done.

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Re: Transfer files from Windows XP to Windows 7

Post by Dave Davison »

.......just opened this thread as I got a reminder in my IN box that a reply had been posted. Not for the first time Hanse (and maybe not the last) sorry for posting in the wrong thread. As for the latest post, thanks but suffice to say I achieved all I wanted after following the simple instructions given by Hans, am now able to transfer copied segments of text from the software on my old laptop runmning XP to the desktop using W7. Means having two computers running at the same time but that's a small inconvenience as it saves me having to buy software compatible with 64 Bit system. Regards Dave.

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Re: Transfer files from Windows XP to Windows 7

Post by hlewton »

Glad it all worked out for you. Seems I am transferring files every day but then I use other computers as a place to store files instead of a backup so the way my networks functions is best in my case.